Gwen Moore Supports Transportation Conference Report

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I am so pleased that this Congress was able to work together to hammer out this bipartisan deal that will benefit the American people and help move this country forward.  Contact: Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox (202) 225- 4572 Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) voted in favor of the Transportation Conference Report. This legislation will…

Wisconsin lawmakers react to Presidents State of the Union address

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 WASHINGTON D.C. (WTAQ) - Wisconsin's congressional Democrats said they appreciated President Obama's vow to revive manufacturing in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. But the state's Republicans said Obama's plea for economic fairness wrongly focuses on guaranteeing outcomes through government action, instead of opportunities in a free…

Reaction from Wisconsins delegation

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 Sen. Herb Kohl (D) "We appreciate that the president is focused on the right things for our country: increasing our economic output and decreasing unemployment. In Wisconsin we're particularly happy about his focus on manufacturing since our state's economy and employment, more than most any other state, is dependent on a strong manufacturing base. The president…

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