Support and Ride Press Conference Highlights Need for Funding of Public Transportation

I am proud that Milwaukee is able to provide mass transit, but the County cannot act alone. In order to improve the way of life for Milwaukee-area residents, we must continue to support our infrastructure through increased funding.


Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Support and Ride Press Conference Highlights Need for Funding of Public Transportation
Milwaukee, WI – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) in cooperation with local transportation organizations and various elected officials hosted a transportation press conference to discuss mass transit fiscal needs at all levels of government.
The press conference sought to highlight a number of initiatives that would increase access and reinforce the infrastructure of mass transit in Milwaukee County and across the country. Issues discussed included the dedication of funding from the Federal Transportation Fund, reauthorization of the Federal Surface Transportations Program, discretionary federal capital funding, restoration of the State Transit Operating Assistance and reexamining the WisDot Transit Funding Distribution System.
“Whether they are riding to school, to work, or anything in between, my constituents rely on public transportation,” said Rep. Moore. “I am proud that Milwaukee is able to provide mass transit, but the County cannot act alone. In order to improve the way of life for Milwaukee-area residents, we must continue to support our infrastructure through increased funding.”
"I want to thank Congresswoman Moore for her strong advocacy," Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele said. "Milwaukee County Transit gets people to work, school and home and with strong partners at the federal and state level we will continue this vital service."
"As Chairwoman, I've put Transit at the top of my agenda, based on its vital role in linking people to jobs, education and other economic drivers," said Milwaukee County Board Chair Marina Dimitrijevic."Personally, I've logged hundreds of miles on Milwaukee County Transit System buses for my ‘Chat with the Chair’ sessions, where transportation is one of the most discussed topics."
“Mass transit is a solid investment in the strength of our economy and vitality of our neighborhoods,” said State Senator Chris Larson.  “Mass transit is a crucial tool to creating opportunity and success in our community and across Wisconsin.”
“Our communities urgently need the jobs and economic development that smart transit investments bring,” said Alan Simonis, President of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 998. “Public transportation is a lifeline for so many. Transportation in our community strengthens our economy and creates much-needed jobs for families, linking us to the region and attracting new development, employers and tourism.”
Today’s press conference is part of a nationwide effort to spotlight the need for increased support of mass transit.
"We are proud to be a part of this bi-partisan effort to support mass transit,” said Gary Goyke of the Wisconsin Urban and Rural Transit Association. “Elected officials ranging from a New Jersey Republican to a California Democrat have endorsed our efforts to improve and increase access to mass transit. Efforts like these will cross this great nation showing firm support for our public transportation systems."
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