Reaction from Wisconsin's delegation


Sen. Herb Kohl (D)
"We appreciate that the president is focused on the right things for our country: increasing our economic output and decreasing unemployment. In Wisconsin we're particularly happy about his focus on manufacturing since our state's economy and employment, more than most any other state, is dependent on a strong manufacturing base. The president also recognizes that education is the foundation of our country's future, whether it means providing all students access to a quality education or ensuring that workers have opportunities for job retraining."
Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-Menomonee Falls)
"The president's speech may have focused on job creation and support for American businesses, but his administration has been anything but friendly to the private sector. In the last three years, our country has witnessed the longest period of sustained high unemployment since the Great Depression and three record-breaking deficits.
"Rather than returning to the futile tax-and-spend policies of the past, I hope the president will be willing to work with House Republicans. Last year, the House passed 27 jobs bills and a budget that closed tax loopholes while reforming our tax code. But without Senate Democrats or the president's participation, we won't see much progress."
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee)
"I was particularly pleased to hear him focus on the need for reviving our manufacturing sector. After years of watching American companies ship jobs overseas, we are finally beginning to see entrepreneurs and manufacturers deciding to keep factories and production facilities here in the United States. This is evident in my home state of Wisconsin with companies like Master Lock, which began bringing production back to Milwaukee - the same place where the company was founded in 1921. Manufacturing is a critical part of the economy in Wisconsin, and it will be important to invest in strengthening this industry to ensure that we have more good jobs here at home."
Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Janesville)
"Instead of putting forward bold solutions to tackle our most pressing challenges, the president offered more empty promises and recycled the same failed policies. Instead of charting a new course for renewed opportunity, the president recommitted to the path to debt, doubt and decline. Instead of working together to find common ground, the president continues to exploit the real anxieties of hardworking families by dividing Americans for political gain. Pitting Americans against each other makes us weaker, not stronger."
Rep. Reid Ribble (R-De Pere)
"There was discussion of job creation and American-made energy in tonight's address, but just last week the president rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline which would have created thousands of American jobs and carved a new pathway to energy independence. With almost 2 million more Americans out of work since the president took office, he should be taking every opportunity to help create good-paying, private-sector jobs."
Rep. Sean Duffy (R-Ashland)
"The truth is our nation's unemployment remains painfully high and our national debt is now equal to 100% of our economy. It is because of President Obama's policies that we find ourselves in this position. Tonight, as I heard our president double-down on those same failed policies of tax, spend and regulate, I was disheartened, to say the least."
Statements about the State of the Union address from Sen. Ron Johnson and Reps. Tammy Baldwin, Tom Petri and Ron Kind were not immediately available.
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