Wisconsin lawmakers react to President's State of the Union address


WASHINGTON D.C. (WTAQ) - Wisconsin's congressional Democrats said they appreciated President Obama's vow to revive manufacturing in his State of the Union address Tuesday night.
But the state's Republicans said Obama's plea for economic fairness wrongly focuses on guaranteeing outcomes through government action, instead of opportunities in a free market.
The Democrat Obama called for higher taxes on the rich -- a 30 percent bracket for those making over $1 million a year. And he took another swipe at the foreclosure problem by offering a new re-financing program.
The president also mentioned steps to help students afford college, and tax cuts for manufacturers.
Milwaukee House Democrat Gwen Moore said Obama's policies have helped companies like Master Lock bring foreign jobs back to Wisconsin.
But Sherwood Republican Reid Ribble said Obama's focus on American-made energy rang hollow when he rejected the Keystone oil pipeline last week.
House GOP Budget Chairman Paul Ryan of Janesville said Obama, "recommitted to the path of debt, doubt, and decline."
Menomonee Falls House Republican Jim Sensenbrenner said his chamber has focused on job creation and tax reform with no help from the Senate or White House.
But Wisconsin Senate Democrat Herb Kohl said he was encouraged by Obama's focus on education both in the classroom, and with opportunities for job re-training. 
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