House passes final budget deal

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 By Rachel BadeThe House on Thursday passed a final budget deal, bringing Republicans one step closer to enacting a spending blueprint that sets the stage for this summer’s spending bills.The chamber passed the framework, 226-197. It would balance the budget in 10 years without raising taxes, and pave the way for sending an Obamacare repeal to the president’s desk. The…

GOP Budget Dysfunction Hurts Working Families

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The deep fractures within the Republican Party have not only left them feckless in their ability to govern, but have also led them to go against their own policies. Today's rush by House Republicans to push this flawed budget conference report agreement to a vote violates their own three day rule, which stipulates that a bill must be public for three days before it can be voted on. More importantly, such dysfunction has made it harder for those battling poverty to provide for their loved ones, compromised the health coverage of everyday Americans, and hampered our capacity to innovate and grow our economy.

U.S. Lawmakers Take First Steps Toward 2016 Budget

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 By Ariele VaccaroOn Monday, members of the Budget Conference Committee made their opening statements on the 2016 U.S. budget. This year, Republicans make up majority of the committee. In an effort to shrink a mounting deficit, they are proposing a number of cuts to social services.Congresswoman for Wisconsin’s Fourth District is a member of the conference committee.She thinks…

Democratic member of budget conference vows to protect the safety net

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 By Joan McCarter House and Senate conferees are meeting to reconcile the two chambers' budgets, and one Democratic member, Rep. Gwen Moore (WI-04) has one mission. "Not to cut anymore out of SNAP," the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, she told ThinkProgress. "Not to block grant it. Not to block grant Medicaid."…

Congresswoman Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle to Come

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 By Mitch TeichHouse and Senate conferees are in the process of working on a revised federal budget package that will eventually come before the respective houses of Congress for a vote.As is often the case, Republicans are seeking cuts in domestic spending while some increases in spending on defense programs. Democrats, meanwhile, are hoping to preserve a variety of social service…

Democratic Leader Taps Gwen Moore as Conferee to FY 2016 Budget Conference

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I am honored and privileged to have been chosen by Leader Pelosi to serve as one of our party's conferees to the FY 2016 Budget Conference. As we take our place at the negotiating table, my Democratic colleagues and I are committed to forging a path to a sensible budget agreement that recognizes the struggle and challenges of our country's most vulnerable.

Gwen Moore on the House Republican Budget

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Once again, House Republicans have passed a budget that cuts programs crucial to the working and middle class so that they can provide more lavish tax breaks to the rich. This tired, failed trickle-down approach shows that the Republican Party lacks new ideas and has no regard for how for how these cuts will affect hardworking Americans.

Gwen Moore on President Obamas State of the Union Address

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Americans saw many of their Members of Congress with yellow pencils with them tonight. In the face of the terrorist attack in France, the pencil has become the international symbol in support of free speech. Rather than divide and intimidate us, these vicious attacks have united the international community and prompted a global response in defense of the freedom of expression. I am honored that so many of my congressional colleagues joined me in this tribute to honor those who lost their lives in the pursuit of open ideas and free expression.

Voter ID ruling from U.S. Supreme Court elicits strong reaction

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  By Myra Sanchick MILWAUKEE (WITI) — Reaction is pouring in after Thursday night’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court which put Wisconsin’s voter ID law on hold. The law was supposed to go into effect for the election on November 4th. But the court has stopped it until justices can hear the entire case — and decide whether the law is…

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