Congresswoman Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle to Come


By Mitch Teich

House and Senate conferees are in the process of working on a revised federal budget package that will eventually come before the respective houses of Congress for a vote.

As is often the case, Republicans are seeking cuts in domestic spending while some increases in spending on defense programs. Democrats, meanwhile, are hoping to preserve a variety of social service programs.

Analysts say an uncommon atmosphere of compromise is in the background as the work goes on.  But will that spirit enter the budget talks?

"This is a new normal for [Republicans] that they have got to come to the table with a willingness to talk to Democrats," saysWisconsin congresswoman Gwen Moore.

Democratic Rep. Moore of Milwaukee is a member of the conference committee. She discusses the upcoming debates and compromises the federal budget package faces with Lake Effect:

Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan – as Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee – is another key player in the budget process, and Lake Effect hopes to hear from him in the days to come.

To view this article and listen to the interview online, please click here

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