Gwen Moore on the House Republican Budget

Once again, House Republicans have passed a budget that cuts programs crucial to the working and middle class so that they can provide more lavish tax breaks to the rich. This tired, failed trickle-down approach shows that the Republican Party lacks new ideas and has no regard for how for how these cuts will affect hardworking Americans.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following her vote against the House Republican Budget, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:

 “Once again, House Republicans have passed a budget that cuts programs crucial to the working and middle class so that they can provide more lavish tax breaks to the rich. This tired, failed trickle-down approach shows that the Republican Party lacks new ideas and has no regard for how for how these cuts will affect hardworking Americans.

 “Just as the American people are finally beginning to feel the effects of economic recovery, the House Republican Budget will undo the progress we’ve made in recent months. Rather than counteracting the harmful results of sequestration, their budget piles on additional cuts that will drag our economy backward, not propel it.

“Students, senior citizens, and women and children are all unfairly targeted by this budget. Already struggling beneath mountains of debt, students will face severe cuts to education programs and even higher college tuition prices. The Wisconsin school system will see their funding for disadvantaged students slashed by $18.3 million, enough to fund 100 schools that serve 25,000 students.

“Medicare as we know it will end, so senior citizens will no longer be guaranteed coverage. They will also immediately have to pay higher fees for preventive services, which could affect more than 89,400 seniors in Wisconsin.

“Nutrition aid for Wisconsin families will be reduced by $1.8 billion, which will have serious ramifications for the 842,000 Wisconsin residents who use food stamps to help keep food on the table.

“This House Republican Budget is disastrous for both American families and the U.S. economy. It’s time that Republicans start working for the American people, rather than against them.”


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