GOP Budget Dysfunction Hurts Working Families

The deep fractures within the Republican Party have not only left them feckless in their ability to govern, but have also led them to go against their own policies. Today's rush by House Republicans to push this flawed budget conference report agreement to a vote violates their own three day rule, which stipulates that a bill must be public for three days before it can be voted on. More importantly, such dysfunction has made it harder for those battling poverty to provide for their loved ones, compromised the health coverage of everyday Americans, and hampered our capacity to innovate and grow our economy.
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement on the Budget Committee Conference Report and the ongoing dysfunction within the Republican Party:
"After nearly a month of infighting, political theatre, and backdoor negotiations, Republicans have put forth budgets that clearly prioritize our nation’s wealthiest individuals above working and middle class families. One would think that education, retirement security, and economic development could be seen as common ground issues, but sadly, this is the political reality in the Republican-controlled Congress and Senate. 
"The deep fractures within the Republican Party have not only left them feckless in their ability to govern, but have also led them to go against their own policies. Today’s rush by House Republicans to push this flawed budget conference report agreement to a vote violates their own three day rule, which stipulates that a bill must be public for three days before it can be voted on. More importantly, such dysfunction has made it harder for those battling poverty to provide for their loved ones, compromised the health coverage of everyday Americans, and hampered our capacity to innovate and grow our economy. 
"This conference report sends a strong message to our students, seniors, and working families that their dignity and dreams are simply not of concern for the Republican Party. Needless to say, my Democratic colleagues and I will forcefully oppose this report and continue our efforts in defending the very programs designed to keep America's most vulnerable individuals and families afloat."

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