Congresswoman: Republican Attempts To Cut Food Stamps In Budget Talks Will •Open Up A Can Of Worms

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 By Bryce Covert Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) has some priorities for her role as one of the members of a conference committee working to hash out a budget deal between the House and Senate. “Not to cut anymore out of SNAP,” the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, she told ThinkProgress. “Not to block grant it. Not to block grant…

Congresswoman Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle to Come

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 By Mitch TeichHouse and Senate conferees are in the process of working on a revised federal budget package that will eventually come before the respective houses of Congress for a vote.As is often the case, Republicans are seeking cuts in domestic spending while some increases in spending on defense programs. Democrats, meanwhile, are hoping to preserve a variety of social service…

Op-Ed: Women and Childrens Nutrition: Americas Best Investment

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 By Gwen Moore and John ConyersThis month marks the 45th anniversary of the Supreme Court case Goldberg v. Kelly, which held that some public benefits are so essential to human survival that they cannot be legally terminated without a formal notice and a hearing. This month also marks the start of Congress' annual appropriations season, the time when Members of Congress…

Gwen Moore on the House Republican Budget

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Once again, House Republicans have passed a budget that cuts programs crucial to the working and middle class so that they can provide more lavish tax breaks to the rich. This tired, failed trickle-down approach shows that the Republican Party lacks new ideas and has no regard for how for how these cuts will affect hardworking Americans.

Presidents 2016 Budget Proposal Calls Attention to Vulnerable Women and Children

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In addition to the President's pursuit to end the sequester and address the important issue of wage stagnation, I was personally delighted to see such robust investments toward addressing the needs and concerns of vulnerable Americans. I especially commend President Obama for his $500 million commitment toward renewing and expanding the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home…

Gwen Moore Selected as Ranking Member on the House Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee

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I take great pride and honor in assuming my new role as Ranking Member on the Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee. I am deeply appreciative to have the trust and confidence of my congressional colleagues as I undertake this great responsibility. As our country continues to rebound from the financial crisis, it is critical that we maximize on our current economic momentum in a fashion that further fosters commercial growth and supports job creation.

House Passes Anti-Abortion Bill on Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

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By Laura BassettOn the 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court's landmark abortion rights decision in Roe v. Wade, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 242-179 to pass a bill that would codify a ban on federal funding for abortions.The bill would prevent women from having their abortions covered by Medicaid; restrict a woman's ability to buy private insurance plans that include…

Gwen Moore on President Obamas State of the Union Address

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Americans saw many of their Members of Congress with yellow pencils with them tonight. In the face of the terrorist attack in France, the pencil has become the international symbol in support of free speech. Rather than divide and intimidate us, these vicious attacks have united the international community and prompted a global response in defense of the freedom of expression. I am honored that so many of my congressional colleagues joined me in this tribute to honor those who lost their lives in the pursuit of open ideas and free expression.

Gwen Moore on Decision to Not File Charges in Dontre Hamilton Shooting

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I am deeply disappointed in District Attorney John Chisholm's decision to not press charges against Officer Christopher Manney in the shooting death of Dontre Hamilton. This decision is just one of many in recent weeks that continue to perpetuate a disheartening notion that there is a significant lapse in accountability for reckless officers and the behavior they employ in our communities.

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