President's 2016 Budget Proposal Calls Attention to Vulnerable Women and Children

In addition to the President's pursuit to end the sequester and address the important issue of wage stagnation, I was personally delighted to see such robust investments toward addressing the needs and concerns of vulnerable Americans. I especially commend President Obama for his $500 million commitment toward renewing and expanding the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program. This vital program is an essential lifeline for vulnerable children, pregnant women, and families who desperately need effective home visitation tools and support. As someone who has worked vigorously to make substantive improvements in my district's birth outcomes, prenatal care, and early childhood health and development, I enthusiastically welcome this measure and praise the President on his vision and leadership.
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to the release of the President’s Fiscal Year 2016 budget request, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
"President Obama’s proposed budget distinctly articulates his unwavering commitment to helping our working and middle class families thrive. Unlike our Republican counterparts, House Democrats believe that a strong emphasis on the critical issues facing struggling and underserved populations will help our country advance in the global economy and help us continue our steady march toward economic recovery and prosperity.
"In addition to the President’s pursuit to end the sequester and address the important issue of wage stagnation, I was personally delighted to see such robust investments toward addressing the needs and concerns of vulnerable Americans. I especially commend President Obama for his $500 million commitment toward renewing and expanding the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program. This vital program is an essential lifeline for vulnerable children, pregnant women, and families who desperately need effective home visitation tools and support. As someone who has worked vigorously to make substantive improvements in my district’s birth outcomes, prenatal care, and early childhood health and development, I enthusiastically welcome this measure and praise the President on his vision and leadership.
"Investing in working and middle class Americans isn’t just fiscally responsible; it’s morally responsible as well. I urge my Republican colleagues to join us in supporting the President’s budget and securing our country’s economic future."

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