Rep. Moore: WIC funding at risk if government shutdown lingers

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  By Chris Conley It's Day-Two of the federal government's partial shutdown, with no end in sight as the two parties stand their ground. For Wisconsin, it has meant more limited recreation opportunities with the closings of national parks, forests, and wildlife refuges -- a reduction of in-state troops with the furloughs of 840 National Guard members and 900…

WI congressional delegation soldiers on in Obamacare-shutdown battle

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  By M.D. Kittle  MADISON — Members of Wisconsin’s congressional delegation made the rounds late Monday, political soldiers with their marching orders, as the federal government faced its first shutdown in two decades.Some kept their Twitter and Facebook pages hopping with talking points and a dash of invective while they waited for the next political…

WISCONSIN NEWS ROUND-UP: Rep. Ribble criticizes GOP strategy

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 WASHINGTON D.C. - A House Republican from northeast Wisconsin calls the federal government shutdown embarrassing and harmful.  Reid Ribble of Sherwood said a shutdown is not the correct strategy to hold up Obamacare.  In his words, "Two wrongs don't make a right."  Still, Ribble refused to stray from the GOP by voting twice since last night to…

Wisconsin delegation reacts to shutdown with dismay, disgust

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  By Patrick Marley and Jim Myers Washington — Reactions from Wisconsin's congressional delegation to Tuesday's government shutdown ranged from embarrassment and sadness to disgust. As the blame-game at the nation's Capitol continued unabated, concerns about the shutdown's immediate impact began to focus on the state's most vulnerable citizens…

US Rep Gwen Moore On Violence Against Women, Rainn Day

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  By: Trey Yingst- American University ‘16 Last week, American University, along with campuses across the country, participated in RAINN Day. The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network holds this event once a year to raise awareness about sexual assaults occurring across the country. At American University students filled out paper raindrops to show support for…

Wisconsin representatives sound off on government shutdown

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 MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin's representatives and senators are sounding off on the government shutdown.Everyone seems to agree the shutdown is bad, but that's where the agreement ends. The actual votes by our lawmakers were right down ideological lines.Each side blames the other for refusing to compromise.Milwaukee Congresswoman Gwen Moore calls the shutdown a manufactured crisis…

Wisconsin representatives sound off on government shutdown

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 By Jon Byman MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin's representatives and senators are sounding off on the government shutdown. Everyone seems to agree the shutdown is bad, but that's where the agreement ends. The actual votes by our lawmakers were right down ideological lines. Each side blames the other for refusing to compromise. Milwaukee Congresswoman Gwen Moore calls…

Wisconsin lawmakers react to shutdown deadline

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  By Cassandra Vinch NORTH CENTRAL WISCONSIN (WAOW) -With the clock ticking toward the government shutdown, Wisconsin politicians are reacting. Democrats and Republicans say they want to avoid shutting down the government, but compromise looks unlikely with just hours to go. "I’m hoping that's what we do so we don't shutdown the government, not…

Lawmakers trade barbs, jeers in shutdown debate

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  There were boos, cheers, jeers and repeated pounds of the gavel. Democrats insisted that Republicans had created nothing but a one-way road to a government shutdown. One lawmaker — David Scott of Georgia — accused the GOP of “hate” for President Barack Obama. Another — Sandy Levin of Michigan — declared that the House had become…

U.S. Rep. Moore: Opposes GOP government shutdown bill

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  Contact: Staci Cox(202) 225- 4572  Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement after House Republicans voted to move our government one step closer to a shutdown.  "Tonight my colleagues on the other side of the aisle voted to hold our government hostage in an effort to uphold their reckless and partisan…

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