Wisconsin delegation reacts to shutdown with dismay, disgust

By Patrick Marley and Jim Myers
Washington — Reactions from Wisconsin's congressional delegation to Tuesday's government shutdown ranged from embarrassment and sadness to disgust.
As the blame-game at the nation's Capitol continued unabated, concerns about the shutdown's immediate impact began to focus on the state's most vulnerable citizens such as those who receive nutrition services from the Women, Infant and Children program. That program was singled out Monday by the White House as one that could run out of funds quickly.
One of the immediate effects in Wisconsin was the furloughing of about 840 civilian employees at the Wisconsin National Guard.
On Tuesday, much of the focus fell on the nutrition program.
"I am dismayed and disgusted that the Republican Party has taken their ideological fight over Obamacare this far," a statement from Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore of Milwaukee said, referring to the Republican's repeated efforts to link a short-term bill to keep the government open to delaying or defunding President Obama's signature health care law.
"This childish act not only impacts thousands of federal government employees, it could also close the vital nutrition program for Women, Infants and Children, temporarily suspend government-backed small business loans and send a devastating shock wave through our economy."
Moore implored House Republican leaders to allow a vote on a funding bill without the provisions against the health care law.
"As I have said many times, the Obamacare train has left the station," she said, citing Tuesday's launch of health care marketplaces the uninsured can now use to sign up for coverage. "It is past time my Republican colleagues understand that enough is enough. Time has officially run out. This hostage situation must end."
In Wisconsin, the food program for women and children should be able to continue for a few more weeks even if the partial shutdown continues, according to Sherrie Tussler, executive director of the Hunger Task Force.
She said that information was provided to her by the state Department of Health Services. The agency has not answered questions about the program from the Journal Sentinel but said it would later Tuesday.
If the program is eventually suspended, people in need will turn to food pantries, Tussler said. But the pantries will be under stress if the shutdown lasts for long, Tussler said.
"It's going to create ripples," Tussler said. "Depending on how long it goes on, the ripples could be extraordinary."
Starting in the middle of the month, the Hunger Task Force will lose out on 217,000 pounds of food it receives every two weeks under a federal program, Tussler said.
A separate federal program providing food to 10,000 senior citizens in Wisconsin — including 9,000 in the Milwaukee area — would also be affected during an extended shutdown, Tussler said. The Hunger Task Force has enough food stockpiled for that program to run it through Dec. 20, she said.
At the National Guard, about 840 civilian employees showed up Tuesday but were told to change their voice mails and emails and leave, Maj. Paul Rickert said. They will be paid for their time on Tuesday and will return to work when Congress resolves its budget fight.
About 1,000 workers remain on the job at the Wisconsin National Guard — about 900 active Guard and Reserve members and about 210 civilian employees who are considered essential, according to Rickert. Those employees will be paid in full and on time because of legislation Obama signed over the weekend.
In the event of an emergency, the Guard can be called up as usual, Rickert said.
But if the partial shutdown continues much longer, Guard drills for this weekend may have to be postponed, Rickert said. That would temporarily deprive pay to thousands of soldiers.
Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee, issued a statement defending his party's unsuccessful legislative effort to pair government funding to its opposition to Obamacare.
"One of our core principles is equality under the law," Ryan said. He cited Obama's willingness to provide the same kind of relief to working families that he has given to big business and even Congress on implementing the health care law.
"That is fundamentally unfair."
Democratic Rep. Mark Pocan blamed the shutdown on what he called the Republicans' extreme Tea Party wing.
"This is a sad day for the American people, and our American democracy," Pocan said. "Instead of being the world's greatest example of representative government, we seem to have become the nation's largest kindergarten—only with control of the nation's checkbook and nuclear arsenal."
According to Pocan's office, 15,000 federal employees in Wisconsin could be furloughed.
Republican Rep. Reid Ribble described the shutdown as harmful and embarrassing.
"This is not a moment to be proud of or to celebrate," Ribble said, restating his vigorous opposition to Obamacare. "I do not believe shutting down the government is the correct strategy to address this flawed law. Two wrongs don't make a right.
He said it was irrational to assume Obama would go along with a law eliminating his hallmark legislative achievement.
"The only outcome this yields is additional acrimony, risk to our economy, and escalating but appropriate distrust of government to actually get its work done," Ribble said. "I hope congressional leadership in both chambers and both parties will work expeditiously to resolve this issue and bring this shutdown to a close."
Jim Myers reported from Washington and Patrick Marley reported from Madison.
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