Wisconsin lawmakers react to shutdown deadline

By Cassandra Vinch
With the clock ticking toward the government shutdown, Wisconsin politicians are reacting.
Democrats and Republicans say they want to avoid shutting down the government, but compromise looks unlikely with just hours to go.
"I’m hoping that's what we do so we don't shutdown the government, not even for a little time," said Sen. Ron Johnson.
"As a member of the minority party in the House, it's frustrating to think that you can't do anything to keep government operations running," said Rep. Gwen Moore (D-4th District).
This gridlock has become another fight about the controversial issue of health care.
"We want to keep the government funded and operational but keep the fight up on Obamacare," said Rep. Sean Duffy (R-7th District).
"It is the law of the land and to keep coming back at it, to repeal it 42 times and now to threaten to shutdown or to refuse to pay our nation's bills is crazy and it shouldn't be attempted," said Rep. Ron Kind (D-3rd District).
Duffy says he's just standing up for his district.
"My constituents don't have big lobbyists in Washington D.C. All they have is me. I keep getting phone calls yesterday, today, about the pains of Obamacare for many of them," said Duffy.
Johnson says the health care law simply isn't ready.
"The responsible thing to do would be to at least delay it for a year. The most responsible thing would be to repeal it," said Johnson.
Democrats say it's ridiculous to tie the health care law to government funding.
"You do not hold the U.S. and global economy hostage for your own narrow legislative agenda," said Kind.
Both sides have talked about delaying the shutdown deadline for a week, but at this point it's unclear if that will happen.
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