Wisconsin representatives sound off on government shutdown

MILWAUKEE - Wisconsin's representatives and senators are sounding off on the government shutdown.Everyone seems to agree the shutdown is bad, but that's where the agreement ends. The actual votes by our lawmakers were right down ideological lines.Each side blames the other for refusing to compromise.Milwaukee Congresswoman Gwen Moore calls the shutdown a manufactured crisis and says it's childish.Congressman Reid Ribble, a Republican who voted with his party to fund the government but defund the healthcare law, said in a statement he doesn't believe shutting down the government is the correct strategy to address the flawed healthcare law.My statement on the government #shutdown. #wi08 http://t.co/qYXADnHLkk— Reid Ribble (@RepRibble) October 1, 2013 Madison Democrat Mark Pocan said the extreme Tea Party wing has taken Congress hostage all the way to a shutdown.Republican Congressman Paul Ryan said the house voted to keep the government open while providing families relief from Obamacare.Congressman Tom Petri says he voted to keep the government's doors open, noting that his vote would also delay the implementation of Obamacare.The actual votes by lawmakers from Wisconsin went right down party lines.
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