US Rep Gwen Moore On Violence Against Women, Rainn Day

By: Trey Yingst- American University ‘16
Last week, American University, along with campuses across the country, participated in RAINN Day. The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network holds this event once a year to raise awareness about sexual assaults occurring across the country. At American University students filled out paper raindrops to show support for their peers who have been affected by sexual assault. Additionally, students participated in activities on the quad to learn more about sexual violence and how they can help to raise awareness.
I had the opportunity to interview Representative Gwen Moore who spoke to me about the importance of educating college students on how to prevent sexual violence. We also spoke about the resources survivors have and Rep. Moore reminded victims that they are not alone. The Congresswoman opened up to me about her own experiences with sexual assault and how she went from “victim to victor.”
Get more info find out how you can get involved at RAINN Day’s website.
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