Dems maneuver for Ex-Im vote

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 By Kevin CirilliHouse Democrats are looking to force a vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.House Democratic leadership filed a discharge petition Thursday in an effort to compel a vote on the 80-year-old bank before its charter expires on June 30. For the maneuver to succeed, 218 House members must support it. The effort is led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi…

GOP Budget Dysfunction Hurts Working Families

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The deep fractures within the Republican Party have not only left them feckless in their ability to govern, but have also led them to go against their own policies. Today's rush by House Republicans to push this flawed budget conference report agreement to a vote violates their own three day rule, which stipulates that a bill must be public for three days before it can be voted on. More importantly, such dysfunction has made it harder for those battling poverty to provide for their loved ones, compromised the health coverage of everyday Americans, and hampered our capacity to innovate and grow our economy.

Right to Work is Wrong for Wisconsin

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In the ongoing assault on Wisconsin's working class, Governor Walker signed another crippling anti-worker bill into law. This so-called •right-to-work' legislation is nothing but a bald-faced attempt by our Republican Governor and legislature to protect special interests at the expense of working class families. I am reminded of Dr. Martin Luther King who once said, •In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as •right to work.' It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights.'

Democrats lodge U.S. Export-Import Bank survival plan

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By Krista HughesDemocratic lawmakers will unveil a plan on Wednesday to keep the U.S. Export-Import Bank open for another seven years and expand its lending as a clash over the bank's future intensifies.Legislation backed by Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer and colleagues Maxine Waters, Gwen Moore and Denny Heck would reauthorize Ex-Im, which provides support for U.S. exporters and the…

Gwen Moore Introduces Export-Import Bank Reauthorization with Reps. Waters, Heck, Hoyer

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This week, my colleagues Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-CA) Congressman Denny Heck (D-WA), Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD), and I introduced legislation to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank before its charter expires on June 30. For 70 years, the Export-Import Bank has aided U.S. businesses to access foreign markets and ensured that American exports remain competitive. Our legislation would further bolster the bank's ability to support American businesses in an increasingly crowded global market. H.R. 1031 is widely supported by my fellow Democrats in the House, with a growing total of more than 160 cosponsors.

Dems push seven-year Ex-Im bill

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By Kevin CirilliHouse Democrats unveiled a bill on Wednesday that would reauthorize the Export-Import Bank for seven years.Democratic Reps. Maxine Waters (Calif.), Gwen Moore (Wis.), Denny Heck (Wash.) and Steny Hoyer (Md.), who is the House minority whip.A Democratic aide working on the bill said that they have received commitments from more than 50 Democratic members to…

Gwen Moore Honors Black History Month

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During this month, we must not forget the importance of the local African American activists, who clashed with the forces of inequality on the front lines without a thought of personal recognition. We have people like Charlyane Hunter-Gault, Vel Phillips, and Lloyd Barbee to thank for the progress the African American community has made over the past half century. I hope their examples can serve to inspire a new generation of local activists, like they have inspired me, to continue their fight for justice and equality for all.

Dems maneuver for Ex-Im vote

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By Kevin CirilliThree Democrats on the House Financial Services Committee moved Thursday to force the panel to consider reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank, according to a copy of an amendment first obtained by The Hill.?Reps. Gwen Moore (Wis.), Denny Heck (Wash.) and Maxine Waters (Calif.) offered the amendment in advance of the committee's Friday markup of President Obama's…

Ex-Im Bank boosts Milwaukee manufacturers

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By Tom Barrett, Mayor of MilwaukeeThe global economic arms race is intensifying. Workers, cities and countries must be equipped or risk being left behind. The good news is that the United States has emerged from the global recession in a position to lead the world; the bad news is that Congress is considering putting American and Milwaukee exporters at a global disadvantage, and thus…

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