In Context: Gwen Moore on Ebola and a travel ban

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  By Tom Kertscher A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Oct. 14, 2014 found that two-thirds of Americans support travel restrictions on people entering the United States from countries stricken by Ebola,  the rare and deadly disease that has killed one man who came to the U.S. from Liberia and infected two nurses who treated him in Dallas. The next day, many…

Congresswoman: Proposed travel ban with West Africa impractical

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  By Sean Lengell Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore has pushed back at Republican proposals for a travel ban to and from West Africa as a means to protect the U.S. from the Ebola virus, saying such a "reactionary” move would only make the epidemic worse. “This idea may seem like a quick fix, but in reality, isolating West Africa will only exacerbate the…

Moore to Government Accountability Board: Dont Forget 11,000 Absentee Voters

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From a lack of access to dependable transportation and matters of convenience to those with serious physical limitations, voters who choose to vote absentee, often do this for a number of different reasons. As a result, we know it will be more difficult, and in some cases impossible, for many of these absentee voters to come into compliance with the requirements of Act 23. That is why I am skeptical of the GAB's current plan to write letters to the 11,000 voters who have already been issued absentee ballots to request that they provide photocopied photo identification with their returned absentee ballot.

Reviewing The Year 2013

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  Compiled by MCJ Staff The second six months of 2013 was about injustice, from a courtroom in Florida to the hallowed chambers of the nation’s highest court, where an iconic ruling protecting the sanctity of voting rights was stripped of its essence. The second half of the year witnessed the celebration of another iconic moment in American and Black American history,…

What the Congressional Black Caucus Will Be Working on in 2014

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  By Ray Baker   The political scene will heat up in 2014. Not only will this year bring midterm elections but also there are many interesting political battles to come. An extension of unemployment insurance is already early session drama and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida has made it a point to offer a conservative agenda in the war on poverty.  Equally…

CBC Today: Ray Baker Interviews Rep. Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle

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  By Ray Baker  With the government shutdown now over, the two houses of Congress come together for a conference committee in an attempt to pass a budget. Correspondent Ray Baker sat down with House Budget Committee member Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) for her take on the budget battle.   To view this article online, please click here.

$3 billion in airport improvements exempt from federal budget cuts

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 Airport Improvement Program is not part of sequestration By Joe Taschler of the Journal Sentinel As budget cuts force the Federal Aviation Administration to carve chunks out of the nation's air traffic control system, the agency cannot touch a program that allocated $17.9 million for airport improvements on the Pacific island of Saipan. Or $9.4 million for…

Gwen Moore Opposes Ryan Budget

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As I've said before, this budget has me feeling like I'm Alice in Wonderland. I've fallen down the rabbit hole and landed in the middle of a mad tea party.

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