Moore to Government Accountability Board: Don't Forget 11,000 Absentee Voters

From a lack of access to dependable transportation and matters of convenience to those with serious physical limitations, voters who choose to vote absentee, often do this for a number of different reasons. As a result, we know it will be more difficult, and in some cases impossible, for many of these absentee voters to come into compliance with the requirements of Act 23. That is why I am skeptical of the GAB's current plan to write letters to the 11,000 voters who have already been issued absentee ballots to request that they provide photocopied photo identification with their returned absentee ballot.
WASHINGTON, DC -- In response to concerns about the Government Accountability Board (GAB)’s plan to require photocopied IDs from over 11,000 voters who were mailed absentee ballots without voter ID instructions, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) sent the following letter to Kevin J. Kennedy of the GAB:
October 1, 2014
Kevin J. Kennedy
Director and General Counsel
State of Wisconsin Government Accountability Board
I am writing to express my concern with the Government Accountability Board (GAB)’s plan to require photocopied identifications from over 11,000 voters who were mailed absentee ballots prior to the recent court decision that allowed for the implementation of Act 23 in this election. I fear that the GAB guidance on this matter is inadequate and will result in thousands of Wisconsin voters being disenfranchised.  
From a lack of access to dependable transportation and matters of convenience to those with serious physical limitations, voters who choose to vote absentee, often do this for a number of different reasons. As a result, we know it will be more difficult, and in some cases impossible, for many of these absentee voters to come into compliance with the requirements of Act 23.  
That is why I am skeptical of the GAB’s current plan to write letters to the 11,000 voters who have already been issued absentee ballots to request that they provide photocopied photo identification with their returned absentee ballot. Even if these letters reach all 11,000 voters, these voters now have received contradictory information from the GAB on how to cast their ballot. Given how important it is that every vote is counted, will there any follow-up communication with these absentee voters to ensure they received the new instructions for proper absentee ballot submission? Will the GAB consider being flexible with this photo ID requirement with those voters they cannot reach and how rigorous will these outreach efforts be on your part? Additionally, I have read news accounts claiming that the GAB will invalidate absentee ballots that have already been submitted that do not include a photocopy of an ID. Will the GAB notify those voters that their ballots will not be counted?
I would appreciate a prompt written response to each of my questions. The right to vote is paramount, and I believe that the burden is on the GAB to ensure that such an abrupt and burdensome electoral law change reflected in Act 23 is done in proper way to ensure that not one Wisconsin citizen is inadvertently denied their basic right to vote.  
Gwen Moore
CC:  Judge Thomas Barland, Chair, State of Wisconsin Government Accountability 

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