Today, we come together to celebrate women and girls across the globe and their many contributions. As we reflect on International Women's Day, we must recommit ourselves to women's global struggle for equality and human rights. Read more »
The President delivered a great speech tonight. His vision for restoring the economic security to the middle class by focusing on American manufacturing, energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of American values was a very timely message for Washington, DC – Tonight, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement following President Barack Obama’s State… Read more »
On Saturday, February 25, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) along with Senators Herb Kohl and Ron Johnson will host Academy Day 2012. This event will allow prospective service academy students the opportunity to speak with cadets and midshipmen. Read more »
RACINE - Seizing the moment and becoming an inspiration to yourself and others was the over-arching message on Saturday night, as more than 300 supporters and volunteers gathered to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the George Bray Neighborhood Center. Gathered in the center's gym, supporters ate, chatted and reminisced with old friends, while they honored the history of… Read more »
WASHINGTON D.C. (WTAQ) - Wisconsin's congressional Democrats said they appreciated President Obama's vow to revive manufacturing in his State of the Union address Tuesday night. But the state's Republicans said Obama's plea for economic fairness wrongly focuses on guaranteeing outcomes through government action, instead of opportunities in a free… Read more »
Sen. Herb Kohl (D) "We appreciate that the president is focused on the right things for our country: increasing our economic output and decreasing unemployment. In Wisconsin we're particularly happy about his focus on manufacturing since our state's economy and employment, more than most any other state, is dependent on a strong manufacturing base. The president… Read more »