Democratic Congresswomen Ask HHS for Answers on Breastfeeding Coverage

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For women who choose to breastfeed, this landmark legislation requires insurance companies to provide access to critical coverage of breastfeeding equipment, support, and counseling at no cost. Sadly, recent reports demonstrate a failure by some insurers to comply with ACA requirements. Needless to say, this is deeply troubling and simply unacceptable.

We have to do better: Dontre Hamiltons family supports effort to pay for mental health training

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By Katie Delong and Jenn SachsMILWAUKEE — Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-Wisconsin) wants the federal government to help pay for more mental health training for police officers, and her efforts have already found some success. The effort began in downtown Milwaukee’s Red Arrow Park. That’s where 31-year-old Dontre Hamilton was shot and killed by former Milwaukee Police…

Congress awaits monumental police reform as mandatory kill count advances

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By Jon Swaine and Oliver LaughlandWashington lawmakers have credited a Guardian investigation to count killings by police with building momentum on long-stalled law-enforcement reform and renewed efforts to force the US government to establish a comprehensive database of officers’ lethal use of force. As members of Congress sought to turn a patchwork of proposals into a…

Preventing Tragic Interactions Between Police and the Mentally Ill

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Proper training of our law enforcement officers in these situations can help prevent tragedies before they occur, which is why I am delighted that my amendment to the FY 16 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill passed. My amendment will increase funding for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) to help provide assistance and training for police departments to safely and appropriately dealing with mentally ill individuals. I am optimistic that efforts like this will help prevent future tragedies like that of Dontre Hamilton.

Gwen Moore Praises Passage of Human Trafficking Legislation

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Most Americans tend to think of human trafficking as a foreign issue, as if our country were somehow immune to such horrific darkness. Unfortunately, these atrocities are taking place in our own backyards at alarming rates, and they're happening to the most vulnerable among us. Needless to say, we cannot stand idly by while women and children are traded and sold like modern-day slaves. Victims of such abhorrent practices need allies in their corner, and I take pride in knowing Congress has finally decided to get into the fight.

Food stamps for filet mignon? Hardly, despite what paternalistic politicians say

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By Gwen MooreWhen you’re trying to feed your family and stretch a dollar, steaks and short ribs don’t make it to your grocery list. As one of nine siblings in a low-income household in Wisconsin, my mother made a habit of buying inexpensive stewing meat for us. These tough cuts of beef came in handy when shopping on a budget, but if Missouri lawmakers have their way, stewing…

House passes final budget deal

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 By Rachel BadeThe House on Thursday passed a final budget deal, bringing Republicans one step closer to enacting a spending blueprint that sets the stage for this summer’s spending bills.The chamber passed the framework, 226-197. It would balance the budget in 10 years without raising taxes, and pave the way for sending an Obamacare repeal to the president’s desk. The…

GOP Budget Dysfunction Hurts Working Families

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The deep fractures within the Republican Party have not only left them feckless in their ability to govern, but have also led them to go against their own policies. Today's rush by House Republicans to push this flawed budget conference report agreement to a vote violates their own three day rule, which stipulates that a bill must be public for three days before it can be voted on. More importantly, such dysfunction has made it harder for those battling poverty to provide for their loved ones, compromised the health coverage of everyday Americans, and hampered our capacity to innovate and grow our economy.

U.S. Lawmakers Take First Steps Toward 2016 Budget

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 By Ariele VaccaroOn Monday, members of the Budget Conference Committee made their opening statements on the 2016 U.S. budget. This year, Republicans make up majority of the committee. In an effort to shrink a mounting deficit, they are proposing a number of cuts to social services.Congresswoman for Wisconsin’s Fourth District is a member of the conference committee.She thinks…

Democratic member of budget conference vows to protect the safety net

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 By Joan McCarter House and Senate conferees are meeting to reconcile the two chambers' budgets, and one Democratic member, Rep. Gwen Moore (WI-04) has one mission. "Not to cut anymore out of SNAP," the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, she told ThinkProgress. "Not to block grant it. Not to block grant Medicaid."…

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