Preventing Tragic Interactions Between Police and the Mentally Ill

Proper training of our law enforcement officers in these situations can help prevent tragedies before they occur, which is why I am delighted that my amendment to the FY 16 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill passed. My amendment will increase funding for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) to help provide assistance and training for police departments to safely and appropriately dealing with mentally ill individuals. I am optimistic that efforts like this will help prevent future tragedies like that of Dontre Hamilton.
Washington, D.C. – Earlier this week, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) offered an amendment that passed in the FY 16 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations, that would increase funding for state and local law enforcement assistance programs dealing with mental health by $2 million. Congresswoman Moore issued the following statement:
“The one-year anniversary of Dontre Hamilton’s death has come and gone and many in Milwaukee are still asking what is being done to address the serious gaps in our mental health infrastructure. As we witnessed in the case of Mr. Hamilton, mentally ill individuals often end up coming in contact with our criminal justice system with disastrous consequences. One of the points of first contact is often through an encounter with our law enforcement officers, turning them into de facto first responders for those experiencing a crisis. 
“Proper training of our law enforcement officers in these situations can help prevent tragedies before they occur, which is why I am delighted that my amendment to the FY 16 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill passed. My amendment will increase funding for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) to help provide assistance and training for police departments to safely and appropriately deal with mentally ill individuals. I am optimistic that efforts like this will help prevent future tragedies like that of Dontre Hamilton. 
“In addition to providing local law enforcement with the training and tools necessary to be effective in the field, it is my hope that this measure will also help combat the stigma associated with mental illness. Those in the midst of a mental health crisis shouldn’t be treated like criminals, but as human beings worthy of our treatment and care.”
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