Gwen Moore Honors Black History Month

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During this month, we must not forget the importance of the local African American activists, who clashed with the forces of inequality on the front lines without a thought of personal recognition. We have people like Charlyane Hunter-Gault, Vel Phillips, and Lloyd Barbee to thank for the progress the African American community has made over the past half century. I hope their examples can serve to inspire a new generation of local activists, like they have inspired me, to continue their fight for justice and equality for all.

Presidents 2016 Budget Proposal Calls Attention to Vulnerable Women and Children

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In addition to the President's pursuit to end the sequester and address the important issue of wage stagnation, I was personally delighted to see such robust investments toward addressing the needs and concerns of vulnerable Americans. I especially commend President Obama for his $500 million commitment toward renewing and expanding the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home…

Gwen Moore Selected as Ranking Member on the House Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee

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I take great pride and honor in assuming my new role as Ranking Member on the Monetary Policy and Trade Subcommittee. I am deeply appreciative to have the trust and confidence of my congressional colleagues as I undertake this great responsibility. As our country continues to rebound from the financial crisis, it is critical that we maximize on our current economic momentum in a fashion that further fosters commercial growth and supports job creation.

Gwen Moore on President Obamas State of the Union Address

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Americans saw many of their Members of Congress with yellow pencils with them tonight. In the face of the terrorist attack in France, the pencil has become the international symbol in support of free speech. Rather than divide and intimidate us, these vicious attacks have united the international community and prompted a global response in defense of the freedom of expression. I am honored that so many of my congressional colleagues joined me in this tribute to honor those who lost their lives in the pursuit of open ideas and free expression.

Gwen Moore Calls for Justice Department Review of Milwaukee Police Procedures

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A thorough investigation of the Milwaukee Police Department would serve justice by ensuring that public faith is restored. I continue to speak to my constituents who are fearful and distrustful of the police and the criminal justice system following local, high profile cases, like the death of Derek Williams and the use of body cavity searches by Milwaukee police officers. Unfortunately, Milwaukee continues to see these incidents, which, along with national trends and incidents, are feeding the collective distrust between officers and citizens in Milwaukee. The implementation of policing best practices in Milwaukee would better protect both police and citizens.

Presidential Task Force on 21st Century Policing to Strengthen Public Trust

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We need to use every resource at our disposal, both at the local and federal level, to ensure that we are effectively targeting crime reduction without compromising the civil rights of our citizens. Without a strong relationship based on trust and understanding, local law enforcement and the communities that they protect will be unable to work together to improve the public safety of our neighborhoods.

Wisconsin Dems press Gov. Walker on drug testing for welfare benefits

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  By Cristina Marcos Wisconsin Democratic Reps. Mark Pocan and Gwen Moore slammed Gov. Scott Walker's proposal that welfare beneficiaries undergo drug testing. "It is time Governor Scott Walker stop blaming the poor for being poor," Pocan said in a statement. "Before coming up with new, costly, and ineffective policies, Governor Walker needs to first…

Pocan, Moore Seek Detailed Explanation for Governors Drug-Testing Proposal

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Drug testing as a condition of eligibility for critical, life-saving social services is a gross insult to Wisconsin's struggling families, Rep. Moore said. "The insinuation that those battling poverty are somehow more susceptible to substance abuse is as absurd as it is offensive. Governor Walker needs to focus less on finding ways to discriminate against Wisconsin's most vulnerable and focus more on fixing his failed policies that contributed to our state's current economic trouble."

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