Moore Hails Supreme Court Ruling Blocking Voter ID Law

This decision by the Supreme Court is one that should be celebrated by everyone, regardless of political affiliation. This is truly a victory for the good people of Wisconsin and our shared democratic ideals.
WASHINGTON, DC -- In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to block implementation of Wisconsin’s discriminatory voter ID law, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:
“I welcome this Supreme Court ruling and the strong message it sends to all who think they can manipulate our voting laws just because they disagree with what we have to say. Those who trample on our civil liberties with impunity in pursuit of political supremacy forget that this nation was built on the principle that we all are ‘created equal.’
“These unjust laws have nothing to do with stopping the manufactured threat of voter fraud and everything to do with making it harder for more eligible voters to register and vote. Equal participation in our democracy is vital to our civilized way of life. Politicians and elected officials who are passing these discriminatory laws are focused on defeating their opponents, not voter fraud.
“This decision by the Supreme Court is one that should be celebrated by everyone, regardless of political affiliation. This is truly a victory for the good people of Wisconsin and our shared democratic ideals.”

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