Moore Praises Planned Parenthoods Work in Communities of Color

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I'd like to extend my gratitude to Rep. Alma Adams and the courageous Planned Parenthood patient advocates for joining me during Monday's press conference, but more importantly, for their leadership in helping us address racial and economic bias in health care access. I proudly stand with Planned Parenthood in their efforts to transform our communities into those united by health equity.

Defund Planned Parenthood Act Deserves Presidential Veto

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The Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 – a bill that will never become law – is an immense waste of time and taxpayer money. Rather than working on ways to strengthen the middle class and help elevate low-income families out of poverty, conservatives have once again mounted another baseless attack against an organization that serves 2.7 million Americans each year with lifesaving services like breast cancer screenings and pap tests.

Congresswoman Pushes Back Against Paul Ryans Welfare Reform With Her Own Plan

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By Bryce CovertFirst, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) laid out his vision for how to help America’s poorest. Now a colleague from the same state has laid out hers and challenged him to back up his rhetoric.Last week, Wisconsin Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore re-introduced the RISE Out of Poverty Act, which would significantly overhaul the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program,…

Moore and Baldwin Express Concern Over DOJ Investigation of Dontre Hamilton

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It has been more than fourteen months since that tragedy occurred. It has been more than six months since Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisolm declined to file charges against Office Christopher Manney in relation to the shooting and U.S. Attorney Jim Santelle announced a federal review of the case. However, according to the Hamilton family, they have not received any updates as to the status of this review.

Gwen Moore to Governor Walker: Proposal to Drug Test the Poor is Wasteful and Unconstitutional

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I suggest instead of wasting Wisconsin taxpayer dollars on this frivolous lawsuit, the money could be better spent trying to figure out how to help restore food assistance to the seniors in Wisconsin who saw they Food Share payments significantly cut by the 2014 farm bill.

U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Affordable Care Act

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The Supreme Court of the United States has once again upheld the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This decision will allow millions of Americans who depend on the subsidies provided by the ACA to keep their health coverage. This landmark legislation provides all Americans, regardless of where they live, with access to quality health care, and is an important lifeline for our working and middle class families.

Democratic Congresswomen Ask HHS for Answers on Breastfeeding Coverage

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For women who choose to breastfeed, this landmark legislation requires insurance companies to provide access to critical coverage of breastfeeding equipment, support, and counseling at no cost. Sadly, recent reports demonstrate a failure by some insurers to comply with ACA requirements. Needless to say, this is deeply troubling and simply unacceptable.

Food stamps for filet mignon? Hardly

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By Gwen Moore When you're trying to feed your family and stretch a dollar, steaks and short ribs don't make it to your grocery list. As one of nine siblings in a low-income household in Wisconsin, I saw my mother make a habit of buying inexpensive stewing meat for us. These tough cuts of beef came in handy when shopping on a budget, but if Missouri lawmakers have their way,…

Preventing Tragic Interactions Between Police and the Mentally Ill

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Proper training of our law enforcement officers in these situations can help prevent tragedies before they occur, which is why I am delighted that my amendment to the FY 16 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill passed. My amendment will increase funding for the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) to help provide assistance and training for police departments to safely and appropriately dealing with mentally ill individuals. I am optimistic that efforts like this will help prevent future tragedies like that of Dontre Hamilton.

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