Moore Praises Planned Parenthood's Work in Communities of Color

I'd like to extend my gratitude to Rep. Alma Adams and the courageous Planned Parenthood patient advocates for joining me during Monday's press conference, but more importantly, for their leadership in helping us address racial and economic bias in health care access. I proudly stand with Planned Parenthood in their efforts to transform our communities into those united by health equity.
Washington, D.C. – Earlier this week, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) held a press conference with Congresswoman Alma Adams (NC-12) and patient advocates to stress Planned Parenthood’s vital presence in African American and low-income communities. Today, Congresswoman Moore released the following statement: 
“On Monday, my colleague Congresswoman Alma Adams and I had the privilege of hosting three brave patient advocates for a special press event on Planned Parenthood and their important work in communities of color. These advocates traveled from Texas, Illinois, and New York to share their own personal and powerful stories about the role Planned Parenthood played in helping them lead happy, healthy lives. We heard touching accounts of incredible strength in the face of insurmountable hardship, and were reminded that overcoming adversity cannot always be done alone. 
“The stories shared by Courtney Everette, Natarsha McQueen, and Cazembe Jackson illustrated the undeniable value of Planned Parenthood’s impact in undeserved communities across the country. Despite our nation’s strides to expand health care access, African American communities continue to face substantial disparities in their health care outcomes. This fact – albeit hard for many of my conservative colleagues to acknowledge – underscores the critical need and significance of Planned Parenthood whose health centers provide birth control, testing and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and lifesaving cancer screenings to millions of people every year.
“I’d like to extend my gratitude to Rep. Alma Adams and the courageous Planned Parenthood patient advocates for joining me during Monday’s press conference, but more importantly, for their leadership in helping us address racial and economic bias in health care access. I proudly stand with Planned Parenthood in their efforts to transform our communities into those united by health equity.”

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