'Defund Planned Parenthood Act' Deserves Presidential Veto

The Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 – a bill that will never become law – is an immense waste of time and taxpayer money. Rather than working on ways to strengthen the middle class and help elevate low-income families out of poverty, conservatives have once again mounted another baseless attack against an organization that serves 2.7 million Americans each year with lifesaving services like breast cancer screenings and pap tests.
Washington, D.C. – In response to the House passage of the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) issued the following statement:  
"The Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 – a bill that will never become law – is an immense waste of time and taxpayer money. Rather than working on ways to strengthen the middle class and help elevate low-income families out of poverty, conservatives have once again mounted another baseless attack against an organization that serves 2.7 million Americans each year with lifesaving services like breast cancer screenings and pap tests.
"Those seeking vital family planning services and information face limited options and an abundance of political obstacles, making this bill all the more egregious. I am appalled by this ongoing Republican effort to restrict access to critical sexual and reproductive health care for millions of men and women. Their reckless disregard for the quality of life and well-being for low-income women and families is as shameful as it is spiteful and has no place in our government or society.  
"I commend President Obama for his pledge to veto this dangerous piece of legislation and for standing with us as we stand united with Planned Parenthood." 

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