Moore Troubled by Supreme Court Decision on Immigration Executive Action
Despite this major judicial setback, nothing will deter my Democratic congressional colleagues and I from working to fix our fractured immigration system.
Moore Troubled by Supreme Court Decision on Immigration Executive Action
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Despite this major judicial setback, nothing will deter my Democratic congressional colleagues and I from working to fix our fractured immigration system. Moore Unveils Tax Bill Leveling the Playing Field for Impoverished Americans
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It is my sincere hope that my bill will help eradicate the stigma associated with poverty and engage the American public in a substantive dialogue regarding the struggles of working- and middle-class families. GOP Continues Their Relentless Assault on Dodd-Frank
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Despite Wall Street reform's proven success, my colleagues across the aisle remain undeterred in crippling this critical piece of legislation designed that prioritizes American consumers before Wall Street special interests. Speaker Ryans "Anti-Poverty" Plan Hurts Struggling Families
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I sincerely hope my colleagues across the aisle will remember that their war against poverty must not be waged against those trying to escape it. U.S. Treasury Department Rejects Plan to Cut Teamster Pensions
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As someone who has stood up for labor rights her entire professional life, I see today's announcement from the U.S. Department of Treasury as a towering victory for our country's Teamsters. U.S. Senates turn to support Great Lakes
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by State Journal Editorial BoardWith a key deadline looming early next month, pension activists in the Teamsters union are turning up the heat to head off government action that will slash the incomes of hundreds of thousands of union retirees who receive benefits from the Central States Pension Fund, and set a dangerous precedent for millions more. The retired union members are… Teamsters Activists Move To Prevent Slashing of Hundreds of Thousands of Retirees Pensions
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by Bruce VailWith a key deadline looming early next month, pension activists in the Teamsters union are turning up the heat to head off government action that will slash the incomes of hundreds of thousands of union retirees who receive benefits from the Central States Pension Fund, and set a dangerous precedent for millions more. The retired union members are concentrated on… Congresswoman: Republican Attempts To Cut Food Stamps In Budget Talks Will •Open Up A Can Of Worms
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by Bryce CovertRep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) has some priorities for her role as one of the members of a conference committee working to hash out a budget deal between the House and Senate. “Not to cut anymore out of SNAP,” the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, she told ThinkProgress. “Not to block grant it. Not to block grant… Scott Walker touts jobs program in Green Bay
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by Doug SchneiderGREEN BAY - Gov. Scott Walker touted a jobs program Wednesday as a chance for Wisconsinites "to live their piece of the American dream," even as critics say the governor needs to relax the program's eligibility limits in communities with high jobless rates. "We're providing job-training for people who previously needed assistance from the… Rally in Washington marks growing optimism for pensions groups
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by Noah VernauENDEAVOR — About 5,000 retirees facing cuts of up to 70 percent of their pensions are set to attend a rally Thursday in Washington, D.C., at a time when opposition groups are reporting receptiveness to the issue among those in Congress. “I think this is huge. We’ve invited everybody to this rally,” Bernie Anderson of the Milwaukee chapter of… Browse Documents by Date or Issue |