Scott Walker touts jobs program in Green Bay

by Doug Schneider

GREEN BAY - Gov. Scott Walker touted a jobs program Wednesday as a chance for Wisconsinites "to live their piece of the American dream," even as critics say the governor needs to relax the program's eligibility limits in communities with high jobless rates.
"We're providing job-training for people who previously needed assistance from the government," he said. ""People say 'you're making it harder to get government assistance.' No, we're not. We're making it easier to get a job."
Speaking to staff and several clients at the Bay Central Job Center in Green Bay, Walker said the FoodShare Employment and Training program is helping businesses fill jobs with people qualified and eager to work. Wisconsin's FoodShare program requires able-bodied people from 18 to 49 work in order to receive food stamp benefits.
Walker said the state committed $60 million to the program in its 2013-15 and 2015-17 budgets, enabling people to enroll in other workforce development programs to get specific industry training.
Almost 12,000 participants in the program found jobs in the program's first year, according to Walker's administration.
But at the same time, a new report from the state Department of Human Services shows that almost 42,000 people have lost benefits because they didn't meet eligibility requirements, according to a Wisconsin State Journal report.
If they don't enroll in a training program, they are removed from the program after three months and lose benefits for three years.
The Legislative Fiscal Bureau estimated that 63,000 adults would have to work or participate in training at least 20 hours a week to get full FoodShare benefits, and about half likely would drop out.
The number of people who aren't qualifying for the program, and a limited numbers of jobs in certain areas, has prompted Democrats in Congress to call on Walker to do more to help people achieve economic security and independence, particularly in Milwaukee and other areas with high unemployment rates. The Democrats — U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Reps. Ron Kind, Gwen Moore and Mark Pocan — say the state's training programs aren't adequately working and urged the Walker administration to restore food assistance to people who have been cut off.
Seven FoodShare Employment and Training  agencies serve the state. Forward Service Corp., a nonprofit, oversees the program in the Green Bay area.
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