Moore Troubled by Supreme Court Decision on Immigration Executive Action

Despite this major judicial setback, nothing will deter my Democratic congressional colleagues and I from working to fix our fractured immigration system.
Washington, DC — In response to the United Sates Supreme Court’s deadlocked 4-4 decision on President Obama’s 2014 immigration actions, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) released the following statement: 
"I am deeply concerned by the United States Supreme Court’s 4-4 deadlock on the Obama administration’s 2014 immigration executive actions. Just like Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush before him, President Obama is well within his executive authority to implement common sense measures in addressing gaps in our immigration system, particularly since Republicans in both the House and Senate refuse to tackle comprehensive immigration reform legislation. 
"With this Supreme Court decision, 34,000 people in my state of Wisconsin will have to live in fear that their families will be ripped apart, and the lives of millions of hardworking immigrants across the country now hang in the balance. Cultivating an environment of such fear and uncertainty is simply anathema to our values as Americans. Fortunately, this decision does not set a precedent, nor does it constitute a merit-based ruling.
"Despite this major judicial setback, nothing will deter my Democratic congressional colleagues and I from working to fix our fractured immigration system.”

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