Looking Good in That #Strengthie

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By Rebecca GaleJust when you thought selfies couldn’t get any more prevalent, the ONE Campaign comes in strong with a new one. It’s called a #strengthie: a selfie that pays homage to the “Rosie the Riveter” and “We Can Do It” images of female empowerment. Members of Congress, including Sen. Edward J. Markey and Reps. Katherine M. Clark, Joeseph P.…

House Dem unveils measure to aid small business sales abroad

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By Rebecca ShabadRep. Grace Meng (D-N.Y.) is introducing legislation that would assist small businesses that sell their products abroad. The measure would instruct the Export-Import Bank to increase the amount of financing it provides to small business from 20 to 25 percent.  “It would help create jobs, stimulate our economy and allow businesses to better compete in…

House lawmakers call for vote on human trafficking bill

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By Cristina MarcosA bipartisan group of House members are urging their top leaders to allow a floor vote on legislation aimed at curbing human trafficking that passed in the Senate last month. In a letter to Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.), eleven lawmakers…

Dontre Hamiltons mother Maria participates in D.C.s Million Moms March

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By Jonah Kaplan, Julia Fello Dontre Hamilton's mother boarded a bus to Washington, D.C. Thursday morning. She will spend Mother's Day with other moms who have lost their children.  Former Milwaukee police officer Christopher Manney shot and killed her son in Red Arrow Park last year. While she is there, she will participate in the Million Moms March. The…

Dems maneuver for Ex-Im vote

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 By Kevin CirilliHouse Democrats are looking to force a vote on reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank.House Democratic leadership filed a discharge petition Thursday in an effort to compel a vote on the 80-year-old bank before its charter expires on June 30. For the maneuver to succeed, 218 House members must support it. The effort is led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi…

House passes final budget deal

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 By Rachel BadeThe House on Thursday passed a final budget deal, bringing Republicans one step closer to enacting a spending blueprint that sets the stage for this summer’s spending bills.The chamber passed the framework, 226-197. It would balance the budget in 10 years without raising taxes, and pave the way for sending an Obamacare repeal to the president’s desk. The…

U.S. Lawmakers Take First Steps Toward 2016 Budget

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 By Ariele VaccaroOn Monday, members of the Budget Conference Committee made their opening statements on the 2016 U.S. budget. This year, Republicans make up majority of the committee. In an effort to shrink a mounting deficit, they are proposing a number of cuts to social services.Congresswoman for Wisconsin’s Fourth District is a member of the conference committee.She thinks…

Democratic member of budget conference vows to protect the safety net

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 By Joan McCarter House and Senate conferees are meeting to reconcile the two chambers' budgets, and one Democratic member, Rep. Gwen Moore (WI-04) has one mission. "Not to cut anymore out of SNAP," the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, she told ThinkProgress. "Not to block grant it. Not to block grant Medicaid."…

Congresswoman: Republican Attempts To Cut Food Stamps In Budget Talks Will •Open Up A Can Of Worms

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 By Bryce Covert Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) has some priorities for her role as one of the members of a conference committee working to hash out a budget deal between the House and Senate. “Not to cut anymore out of SNAP,” the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, better known as food stamps, she told ThinkProgress. “Not to block grant it. Not to block grant…

Congresswoman Gwen Moore on the Budget Battle to Come

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 By Mitch TeichHouse and Senate conferees are in the process of working on a revised federal budget package that will eventually come before the respective houses of Congress for a vote.As is often the case, Republicans are seeking cuts in domestic spending while some increases in spending on defense programs. Democrats, meanwhile, are hoping to preserve a variety of social service…

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