Gwen Moore Celebrates Cinco de Mayo

This Cinco de Mayo, let us truly embrace the rich heritage of the Mexican people and of all Hispanics across our nation by passing comprehensive immigration reform.
Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement celebrating Cinco de Mayo:
“Today we join together to celebrate the bravery of a Mexican militia and their resolve to defend their country and way of life. As we honor this courageous victory, may we also recognize the diverse experiences and contributions of Mexicans and Mexican-Americans.
“This Cinco de Mayo, let us truly embrace the rich heritage of the Mexican people and of all Hispanics across our nation by passing comprehensive immigration reform. It is past time we honor our history, as a nation of immigrants, by enacting legislation that improves our economy and offers a fair and earned pathway to citizenship. My constituents, Wisconsinites and people all across America agree that we must act.  
“I urge my colleagues to give millions of aspiring Americans a vote on comprehensive immigration reform. Let us build upon the bravery of the past and act in the best interest of our families and friends.
“Viva Cinco de Mayo, viva la comunidad Latina!”
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