Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes in Support of Legislation to Provide Stronger Health and Safety Standards at Border Facilities

Congresswoman Gwen Moore Votes in Support of Legislation to Provide Stronger Health and Safety Standards at Border Facilities

Today, the House advanced the Humanitarian Standards for Individuals in Customs and Border Protection Custody Act. Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:        

“The humanitarian crisis at our southern border has taken too many innocent lives and robbed vulnerable people of their dignity.

We have all seen and heard the disturbing reports of migrants dying in CBP custody and being denied access to showers, clean clothes and basic medical care.

What I witnessed during my recent border trip to detention facilities highlighted the need for additional resources and stronger health and safety standards. I saw children, young men and families in cramped quarters even as the facility struggle with an outbreak of a contagious disease. This should not be happening in our country.

It’s cruel to tack on more hardship to people who are often fleeing violence and poverty. To put it simply, Trump wants to punish migrants. His administration has created unsanitary, dangerous conditions to deter migrants from their seeking their legal right to asylum. The Trump administration has failed asylum seekers.

We have a moral responsibility to ensure that everyone has access to adequate medical care and hygiene, no matter their immigration status. That’s why I am proud to join in supporting this legislation, which will create humane standards and a duty to provide basic care for individuals seeking asylum and others in federal custody.”


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