Gwen Moore Statement on Supreme Court Hearing of Arizona Immigration Bill

It is my hope that the Supreme Court will strike down this xenophobic political stunt and uphold the federal government's proper role in creating balanced laws that respect basic human dignity.


Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Gwen Moore Statement on Supreme Court Hearing of Arizona Immigration Bill
Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court hearing on the constitutionality of Arizona’s immigration, SB 1070:
“Today, the U.S. Supreme Court will take up one of the most important immigration cases in history.
“The court will consider whether or not Arizona’s attempt to enforce its own interpretation of federal law is constitutional.  Although the Constitution is quite clear in the federal government’s preeminent role in immigration proceedings, the implications for this case are much more far reaching.  
“For many, Arizona vs. United States calls into question our core values of fairness and equality that we cherish as Americans. SB 1070 is a blatant attempt to legalize and expand the same type of one-sided enforcement approach that has failed so many times in the past.  By legalizing racial profiling and stretching scarce local law enforcement resources to target immigrants, SB1070 serves no purpose other than tearing harmless families apart and driving immigrants further into the shadows.  I reject the notion that effective immigration enforcement comes from simply increasing fear in our communities.
“It is my hope that the Supreme Court will strike down this xenophobic political stunt and uphold the federal government’s proper role in creating balanced laws that respect basic human dignity.  
“Additionally, I hope that Congress will give this issue the attention it deserves and come together to pass immigration reform. It is our duty as elected officials to put politics aside and work for comprehensive solutions to fix our broken immigration system.”
In March, Rep. Moore signed a “friend of the court” brief in the Supreme Court’s Arizona v. United States case.  The amicus curiae brief, co-signed by 67 of Rep. Moore’s House colleagues, argues that the law is unconstitutional because, as courts have held consistently, federal immigration law pre-empts any state-level standards.
The brief is reviewable at
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