Senate Provides Pathway to Aspiring Citizens

This bill embodies our American values in the way we extend a hand to lift millions from the shadows of our society.
Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C.  – Today, the Senate passed comprehensive immigration reform legislation by a vote of 68-32. Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement: 
“Today the Senate passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744), giving hope to approximately 11 million immigrants across our nation. The Senate has moved our country one step closer to realizing a comprehensive immigration reform law. This bill, spearheaded by the Senate’s so-called ‘Gang of 8,’ represents a truly bipartisan compromise. 
“Millions have come to America in search of a better life for themselves and their families. Since our nation’s inception, immigrants have played an essential role in shaping our history, culture, and diversity. The Senate’s commonsense immigration reform bill secures our borders and provides a pathway to citizenship for those who seek it. Moreover, it embodies our American values in the way we extend a hand to lift millions from the shadows of our society.  
“While we recognize this great legislative achievement, we must remember that our work has just begun. We must not play politics with the livelihoods of millions of people. I urge Republican leadership in the House to fully consider the Senate bill, because our family, friends, and neighbors deserve a vote.”    
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