Congress must act swiftly for Wisconsin's immigrant families

By Gwen Moore and Christine Neumann-Ortiz
Every May Day, thousands gather in Milwaukee to support comprehensive immigration reform. We march for our family members, our neighbors and our friends. Side by side, we stand in solidarity — speaking out to support millions. With the majority of Americans standing with us, a consensus has been reached throughout the country: Congress must act now and pass a broad and inclusive path to citizenship for our aspiring new Americans.
There are approximately 11 million immigrants living in the shadows of our society. They came to our country for the same reasons many of us move to new cities and states: to provide a better life for themselves and their families. They came in hopes of reaching the American dream.
However, as more are attracted to our shores in search of a new beginning, it has become increasingly evident that we can no longer tolerate the status quo of our broken immigration system, and we must fix it in a bipartisan, comprehensive manner. This is not a new idea. Heavyweights from both sides of the aisle, including President George W. Bush, have realized that we need a comprehensive solution to our broken immigration system.
In late June, the U.S. Senate passed the Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act (S. 744), giving hope to millions of immigrants. This legislation represents true compromise in the Senate's "Gang of Eight." S. 744 passed with bipartisan support. The onus now rests with the House.
Unfortunately, disagreement has wholly characterized the Republican agenda in the House. Instead of working toward passing bipartisan legislation, House Republicans have made it their goal to reject bipartisan compromise — and instead pursue piecemeal, hyper-partisan bills that have no chance of becoming law. This divisive spirit has put this Congress on track to match or even exceed the 112th Congress in its lackluster productivity and favorability. To put the latter in context, last Congress was often referred to as the least favorable and productive in modern history.
What many seem to miss, however, is that every day members of Congress are creating history. Each moment we continue to wait has serious consequences for the needs of our economy, communities of families and those in the shadows who want nothing more than to become productive and contributing members of the country they call home. We are optimistic that Republican leadership will put political posturing aside, listen to the American people and allow a vote on bipartisan and comprehensive legislation. It is our hope that such legislation will not only secure our borders and provide a tough but fair pathway to citizenship for adults but will also grant expedited legal certainty to young immigrants.
There are approximately 800,000 DREAMers who came to this country as children and are citizens in all ways, but for a piece of paper. President Barack Obama has taken the laudable action of deferring deportation proceedings against these children, but it is up to Congress to make these youths full and permanent citizens.
Congress must pass comprehensive and humane immigration reform that reflects our American values and recognizes the significant contributions immigrants have made to improve our nation's history, culture and diversity. Passing this legislation will have very real implications for every American and every aspiring new American. As we fight in one of the most important civil rights battles of our time, we urge Congress to act swiftly in helping to determine the fate of millions. The way this moment will be viewed throughout history depends entirely on which side we stand today.
U.S. Rep Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) represents the 4th Congressional District. Christine Neumann-Ortiz is executive director of Voces de la Frontera.
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