Congresswoman wants to halt and investigate World Banks private water investments

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by Tom MurphyThe practice of the World Bank both advising countries on water and investing in private water companies presents a concerning conflict of interest, said Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wisc., in a letter addressed to World Bank head Jim Kim. In it, Moore urges the Bank to immediately “cease promoting privatization of water resources until there has been a robust outside…

World Banks Water Dealings Could Have Dangerous Repercussions on Global Community

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Water access is a fundamental human right no matter where you live. Dr. Kim and his team have the responsibility to put the World Bank's mission – alleviating global poverty – above the pursuit of profits. This institution must take that responsibility much more seriously, especially when it comes to water, or it will fail the very people it is supposed to be serving.

What Congressional Republicans Snub Of Obamas Budget Really Says

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by Lauren FoxIt is his final budget blueprint, his last chance to put his vision for the future in front of voters and Congress, but Republicans will not even pretend to give President Obama's last budget plan any serious consideration, a brush off that upends decades of decorum on Capitol Hill. For more than four decades, congressional leaders have invited the President's…

Moore Dismayed with GOP Move to Block Presidents Budget Hearing

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With an emphasis on combating the threat posed by ISIL, addressing international health concerns, and focusing on the growing problem of climate change, President Obama's budget proposal is historic both in terms of the bold initiatives it undertakes and its global scope.

Moore Calls on Sen. Johnson to Help Citizens of Flint

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With each passing day, we learn more about the tragic impact of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan. As we continue to investigate this emergency, one thing remains abundantly clear: The magnitude of this disaster demands swift and immediate intervention from our colleagues in the Senate.

Moore Responds to President Obamas Final State of the Union

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Despite such remarkable economic gains, neither President Obama nor I believe that our work is done. Too many working men and women continue to struggle just to provide the basic necessities for their families. Too many communities of color find themselves underserved and disadvantaged.

Moore Announces Support for Iran Nuclear Deal

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After careful consideration, I will support the Iran nuclear agreement. Over the past eighteen months, U.S. negotiators have worked diligently to bring about a deal between Iran and the P5+1 (U.S., U.K., Russia, France, Germany and China) that peacefully prevents Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. I applaud Secretary of State John Kerry and his team for their rigorous efforts in brokering this historic agreement.

Gwen Moore Recognizes 45th Anniversary of Earth Day

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Each year, we set aside a day to remind ourselves of the debt we owe the Earth for sustaining, nourishing, and protecting us year round. We often take for granted the resources our planet has provided us, but this mentality must change if we want the opportunity to pass on a habitable environment to our children and grandchildren.

Presidents 2016 Budget Proposal Calls Attention to Vulnerable Women and Children

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In addition to the President's pursuit to end the sequester and address the important issue of wage stagnation, I was personally delighted to see such robust investments toward addressing the needs and concerns of vulnerable Americans. I especially commend President Obama for his $500 million commitment toward renewing and expanding the Maternal Infant and Early Childhood Home…

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