House of Representatives votes to toughen refugee screening

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by Craig GilbertThe House voted by a large margin Thursday to increase screening of Syrian and Iraqi refugees before they enter the U.S., a step prompted by last week's terrorist attacks in Paris."If our law enforcement and intelligence community cannot verify that each and every person coming here is not a security threat, then they shouldn't be allowed in," Speaker…

Gwen Moore on President Obamas State of the Union Address

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Americans saw many of their Members of Congress with yellow pencils with them tonight. In the face of the terrorist attack in France, the pencil has become the international symbol in support of free speech. Rather than divide and intimidate us, these vicious attacks have united the international community and prompted a global response in defense of the freedom of expression. I am honored that so many of my congressional colleagues joined me in this tribute to honor those who lost their lives in the pursuit of open ideas and free expression.

Rep. Gwen Moore on Immigration, Cybersecurity, Terrorism And More

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 Radio Interview with The Joy Cardin Show  The House passed a bill on Wednesday to fund the Department of Homeland Security, but undo President Barack Obama’s executive orders on immigration.  Joy Cardin talks with Democratic Congresswoman Gwen Moore about her opposition to the plan.  Plus, they discuss Obama’s call to strengthen cybersecurity law,…

Gwen Moore Welcomes New Diplomatic Approach to Cuba

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With this move comes a renewed leadership in the Americas and a valuable opportunity for improved human rights conditions and democratic reforms throughout the region. This landmark shift in policy proves that although change never comes easy or swiftly, at the end of the day, it does come. Now is the time to support the difficult work ahead to ensure that this historic opportunity is not wasted.

Gwen Moore: Drop the Frivolous Lawsuit Against Immigration Executive Action

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While it is clear that the President's actions are well within his authority, you have instead decided to involve the state of Wisconsin in a political and frivolous lawsuit against the President. A bipartisan group of Attorneys General from 18 other states sent a letter last Friday to congressional leadership urging Congress to come together and fix our broken immigration system, particularly in light of the temporary nature of President Obama's actions. Rather than joining these efforts to break through dysfunction and gridlock in Congress, you have decided that the State of Wisconsin will side with those who seek political points at the expense of the progress that our country desperately needs.

Congresswoman: Proposed travel ban with West Africa impractical

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  By Sean Lengell Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore has pushed back at Republican proposals for a travel ban to and from West Africa as a means to protect the U.S. from the Ebola virus, saying such a "reactionary” move would only make the epidemic worse. “This idea may seem like a quick fix, but in reality, isolating West Africa will only exacerbate the…

Voces de la Frontera: Statement: President Obama has no reason to delay executive action

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  Contact: Joe Shansky, Voces de la Frontera 414.795.3380,  MILWAUKEE, WI- In reaction to President Obama's immigration statement today, Christine Neumann-Ortiz, Executive Director of Voces de la Frontera, issued the following statement: "Today for the first time, the President promised to act independently of a failed Congress to modernize…

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