Bay View High School teachers aide may face charges

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by Michele FioreMILWAUKEE -  The Milwaukee County District Attorney's office is considering charges against the teacher's aide seen on camera allegedly slamming a student to the floor.  In the meantime, video showing that fight at Bay View High School has gone viral.  Facebook video of the incident has already been shared thousands of times and had 384,000…

Urging vote on Merrick Garland, congresswoman says 6 justices have been OKd in presidential years

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by Tom KertscherAs President Barack Obama was nominating Merrick Garland to the U.S. Supreme Court, U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore argued that despite pushback from Republicans, there is precedent for a Supreme Court nomination to be approved during a presidential election year. The Milwaukee Democrat urged in a tweet on March 16, 2016 that the U.S. Senate give Garland a 'fair hearing'…

Muslim leader from Milwaukee takes •True Islam campaign to D.C. to fight extremism

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by AJ BayatpourMILWAUKEE -- A local Muslim leader is back from Capitol Hill. He says his message to our elected officials in Wisconsin was simple: We're here to help. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has chapters all over the world, including in Milwaukee. Shortly after the San Bernardino mass shooting in December 2015, the community launched its "True Islam"…

What Congressional Republicans Snub Of Obamas Budget Really Says

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by Lauren FoxIt is his final budget blueprint, his last chance to put his vision for the future in front of voters and Congress, but Republicans will not even pretend to give President Obama's last budget plan any serious consideration, a brush off that upends decades of decorum on Capitol Hill. For more than four decades, congressional leaders have invited the President's…

Moore Responds to President Obamas Final State of the Union

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Despite such remarkable economic gains, neither President Obama nor I believe that our work is done. Too many working men and women continue to struggle just to provide the basic necessities for their families. Too many communities of color find themselves underserved and disadvantaged.

Moore Expresses Concern Over Abuse Allegations at Lincoln Hills and Copper Lake School

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I fear that, without swift intervention, these inmates are at serious risk of becoming another faceless member of our seemingly endless school-to-prison pipeline. I am determined to fulfill our promise to help these youth become productive and successful members of our society.

Omnibus Provides Much Needed Support for Students, Police, and Businesses

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The FY 2016 Omnibus Appropriations bill is not perfect, but this bipartisan compromise will keep the government functioning and is a tremendous improvement over the disastrous budget proposed by Republicans earlier this year.

Kind drafts resolution in support of Wisconsin Idea

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By Tribune staffU.S. Rep. Ron Kind is calling on state lawmakers to preserve the “Wisconsin Idea” as a key part of the University of Wisconsin system. The La Crosse Democrat introduced a resolution Wednesday — cosponsored by fellow House Democrats Marc Pocan and Gwen Moore — recognizing the importance of the university’s mission statement, which Gov.…

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