Moore Responds to Questions about Presidential Inauguration

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As a proud Democrat, I want President-elect Trump to see me front and center as he's sworn in. I want him to see exactly what his opposition looks like. When he sees me, I want him to see The Resistance.

Video: Rep. Moore Assists Planned Parenthood in Delivering Nearly 90,000 Petitions to Speaker Ryan

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I can't help but to notice the symbolism inherent in Speaker Ryan's actions: When it comes to women's health and reproductive rights, Speaker Ryan's door is closed.

In Letter to Trump, House Democrats Draw Line on Womens Right to Choose

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For far too long, low-income, particularly women of color, have been disproportionately affected by the implementation of Hyde. Such blatant discrimination not only limits critical access to reproductive health services, but can also have a crushing impact on a woman's economic mobility.

U.S. Senates turn to support Great Lakes

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by State Journal Editorial BoardWith a key deadline looming early next month, pension activists in the Teamsters union are turning up the heat to head off government action that will slash the incomes of hundreds of thousands of union retirees who receive benefits from the Central States Pension Fund, and set a dangerous precedent for millions more. The retired union members are…

A Member of Congress Issued a Warning to the World Bank: Stop Privatizing Water

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by Jesse BraggAround the globe, people’s access to water is being threatened every day by one of the most powerful institutions on the globe—the World Bank. Under the guise of development, the World Bank and its investment arm, the International Finance Corporation, invest hundreds of millions in water privatization schemes that reduce access to water, increase costs and have…

Video of Violent Altercation with Student Raises Critical Concerns

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Many of our city's youth find themselves facing a host of obstacles when it comes to their education. Some go to schools that are in dire need of repair. Others are dependent on their schools as the only source of nutritious and balanced meals, but violence at the hands of an adult staff member should never be one of those obstacles.

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