Video: Rep. Moore Assists Planned Parenthood in Delivering Nearly 90,000 Petitions to Speaker Ryan

I can't help but to notice the symbolism inherent in Speaker Ryan's actions: When it comes to women's health and reproductive rights, Speaker Ryan's door is closed.

Washington D.C. – In response to comments by Speaker Paul Ryan to defund Planned Parenthood as part of his plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act, a large group of volunteers visited the Speaker’s office last week to deliver nearly 90,000 petitions in opposition to the Republican-led effort. When the volunteers arrived at the Speaker Ryan’s office, they were met by Capitol Police and a locked door. 
With few options before them, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-04) opened her doors to these volunteers and offered to assist in the temporary storage and delivery of their petitions to Speaker Ryan. 
Congresswoman Moore and her staff created the following video depicting these events and underscoring her support for organizations like Planned Parenthood who serve her constituents and communities across the country:
In addition to the video, Congresswoman Moore released the following statement:
“I can’t help but to notice the symbolism inherent in Speaker Ryan’s actions: When it comes to women’s health and reproductive rights, Speaker Ryan’s door is closed. I, on the other hand, refuse to close my door on any organization committed to my constituents’ well-being. I look forward to meeting with Speaker Ryan to personally deliver these petitions so that the voices of the American public can be heard loud and clear.”

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