Republican fairytales and the truth about the •war on women

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 Republicans insist the Democrats’ claim of a “war on women” is simply a fairytale. Yet every week the GOP pushes another anti-woman policy that proves that this fairytale is reality. This week, my Senate GOP colleagues blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill that would have ensured women earn equal pay for equal work. Sounds simple enough, but not to my…

SHE AINT PLAYIN: The Notable, Quotable Rep. Gwen Moore

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 AMID THE REPUBLICAN WAR ON WOMEN, THE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSWOMAN FROM WISCONSIN AIN’T NEVER SCARED Throughout the GOP-led assault on women’s reproductive health rights, Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) has served as a soldier of love for women of color, poor women and victims of sexual and physical abuse. Moore consistently commands the House floor and deploys pieces of…

House Dems Vehemently Object To GOP Anti-Domestic Violence Bill

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 By Staff|5/16/2012 3:05 PM (Talk Radio News Service)  House Democrats voiced extreme opposition to a GOP version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) they argue lacks provisions that extend the authority of the law to minority women, Native American women and members of the LGBT community. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) argued that the Republican…

GOP anti-domestic violence bill advances, over Dem objections

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 By Pete Kasperowicz - 05/16/12 01:20 PM ET  The House on Wednesday voted to move ahead with a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), after Democrats tried blocking it by raising a point of order. Democrats oppose the House bill, which omits language prohibiting discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people under the law, does…

Rep. Gwen Moore recounts sexual assault

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 By KATE NOCERA | 5/16/12 3:08 PM EDT Rep. Gwen Moore spoke forcefully against the House version of the Violence Against Woman Act and openly talked about her own experience as a victim of violence and sexual assault. Moore sponsored the Democratic version of the bill, the twin to the Senate’s re-authorization.  “As a member of this body and a survivor…

Violence Against Women Act passes in House, but partisan battle looms

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 (CBS News) The GOP-led House on Wednesday voted to approve the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), a piece of legislation that is the subject of partisan controversy despite the fact that both parties hope to see some it passed in some form. After an impassioned debate on the House floor Wednesday, the bill passed with 222 members voting in favor and 205 voting against. But now,…

Victims Visas Divide Congress on Domestic Violence Bill

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 By Derek Wallbank - May 16, 2012 5:46 PM ET The U.S. House of Representatives passed its version of legislation to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act. The House today passed the bill, 222-205, on a mostly party-line vote. Democrats criticized the Republican-written measure as part of the party’s “war on women.” “They don’t want to…

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