Rep. Gwen Moore recounts sexual assault


By KATE NOCERA | 5/16/12 3:08 PM EDT
Rep. Gwen Moore spoke forcefully against the House version of the Violence Against Woman Act and openly talked about her own experience as a victim of violence and sexual assault.
Moore sponsored the Democratic version of the bill, the twin to the Senate’s re-authorization. 
“As a member of this body and a survivor of sexual assault…I can tell you it’s traumatic to be here today and to find my colleagues not taking the recommended updates that people who work with domestic violence victims have put in front of them as best practices,” Moore said at a press conference to denounce the Republican bill.
Moore then went on to describe a  personal experience to highlight why she felt the Republican version VAWA didn’t go far enough.
“I took a ride with a guy I thought was a friend…and he decided to take a detour behind some buildings to rape me and choke me almost to death. I went to the hospital, was examined, they could see I had been raped. When we got to court I was on trial…what I wore that night was on trial and he was found not guilty,” Moore said.  “This was 20 years before had the Violence Against Women Act, before we gave law enforcement to the tools to know what the circumstances are. As a woman of color I am particularly aggrieved this bill ignores the circumstances of women who are minorities.”
Moore, along with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic leaders, argued that the Republican’s version of VAWA is watered down and rolls back protections for groups like immigrant and LGBT communities.
Pelosi reiterated that the Senate’s bill passed with bipartisan support.
“We’ve come together [twice before] to re-authorize and strengthen this law. This year our colleagues in the Senate acted similarly, passing a strong bill with strong bipartisan support,” Pelosi said. “A sharp contrast to the Senate bill, the House Republicans have brought to the floor a controversial bill that would weaken protections we’ve given to those who suffer domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking…All people deserve to be protected from domestic violence, there should be no exceptions.”
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