Gwen Moore Votes "NO" on Fake VAWA

Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement after voting in opposition to the House Republican version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA).


Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Gwen Moore Votes “NO” on Fake VAWA 
The Violence Against Women Act Passes (222/205)
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement after voting in opposition to the House Republican version of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA): 
“Today was a sad day in the House. The traditionally bipartisan Violence Against Women Act was passed today on party lines with a vote of 222 to 205. This legislation, H.R. 4970 is detrimental for women. This fake VAWA bill not only rolls back current provisions to help victims of domestic violence, it completely ignores groups of women. Under the Republican bill, gay and transgender women, women on tribal lands and immigrants are left unprotected.
“This partisan gimmick is not what VAWA is meant to accomplish. We must protect all women with this legislation. The Republican bill sends a powerful message to these groups of women: that they are not the real victims of domestic violence. Yet I guarantee that all women feel the force of a fist. 
“This is not a game. It wasn’t a game when I was being abused, and it’s not a game now. Yet Republicans continue to play with women’s lives. We have a VAWA reauthorization with both Republican and Democratic support in the Senate. This bill strengthens VAWA to protect all women from domestic violence, including those ignored by House Republicans. Tragically, once again this session, House Republicans are persistent in their war on women – a war that will ultimately end in more abuse.  
“Today, House Republicans acted along their skewed party line – hurting women in the process. While Republicans continue to fight for their backwards ideology, I and my Democratic colleagues will continue to fight for women.”
There are over 325 organizations that officially oppose the Republican VAWA. President Obama has also issued a veto threat for this legislation.  
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