WI lawmakers back home this weekend as govt shutdown continues

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 By Jenna Sachs NEW BERLIN (WITI) — A couple Wisconsin lawmakers were home this weekend — and spoke out on the ongoing government shutdown. As of Sunday, October 6th, we were in Day Six of the shutdown, and party gridlock seems tighter than ever. Both Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner and Congresswoman Gwen Moore were back in Wisconsin after the possibility of…

WI congressional delegation soldiers on in Obamacare-shutdown battle

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  By M.D. Kittle  MADISON — Members of Wisconsin’s congressional delegation made the rounds late Monday, political soldiers with their marching orders, as the federal government faced its first shutdown in two decades.Some kept their Twitter and Facebook pages hopping with talking points and a dash of invective while they waited for the next political…

WISCONSIN NEWS ROUND-UP: Rep. Ribble criticizes GOP strategy

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 WASHINGTON D.C. - A House Republican from northeast Wisconsin calls the federal government shutdown embarrassing and harmful.  Reid Ribble of Sherwood said a shutdown is not the correct strategy to hold up Obamacare.  In his words, "Two wrongs don't make a right."  Still, Ribble refused to stray from the GOP by voting twice since last night to…

US Rep Gwen Moore On Violence Against Women, Rainn Day

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  By: Trey Yingst- American University ‘16 Last week, American University, along with campuses across the country, participated in RAINN Day. The Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network holds this event once a year to raise awareness about sexual assaults occurring across the country. At American University students filled out paper raindrops to show support for…

House approves contentious bill to cut food stamp program

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  By Jim Myers Washington — The U.S. House narrowly approved a contentious bill Thursday to cut the nation's food stamp program by roughly $39 billion over 10 years. Wisconsin Democrats warned that thousands of the state's poorest would be kicked off its rolls; state Republicans embraced it as a path to much-needed reforms. Approved by a vote of…

Republicans Continue Ruthless Crusade Against The Poor With Food Stamp Cuts

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 By Rep. Gwen Moore   In a recovering economy, one would think that our legislators would do everything in their power to assist struggling Americans. For the past five years, ordinary people have been trying to keep their heads above water in the midst of mounting foreclosures, historic unemployment levels and rising levels of food insecurity. Yet this week in the…

Governor Walker -- Cutting More From Medicaid Than Any Other State in the Nation

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 By Rep. Gwen Moore Governor Scott Walker has done it again. He has made national news, made a splash -- and certainly established his bona fide conservative credentials once more. But his actions come at a great cost for Wisconsin's low-income families and individuals. Most Wisconsinites are aware that Wisconsin, under the leadership of Governor Walker, has decided to…

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