Gwen Moore Opposes Bill That Could Spur Government Shutdown

America cannot afford another GOP manufactured crisis. I urge my colleagues to abandon their political games and support the American people.
Staci Cox 
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, D.C.  – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released this statement following the passage of a Republican proposal to fund the government until December 15, while creating unnecessary harm to the American economy and the health and well-being of millions.  
“House Republicans passed another bill that would defund the Affordable Care Act—a partisan move that increases the likelihood of a government shutdown. Perhaps the 42nd time is the charm. Yet if the previous 41 times House Republicans have tried and failed to undermine our landmark health care reform law have shown us anything, it is that history repeats itself. This bill will fail again. 
“The current GOP agenda is reckless and wasteful. The Republican Party is willing to risk the full faith and credit of the United States in a futile attempt to stop uninsured Americans from receiving the affordable health care coverage they need. It pains me to see my colleagues attaching their most destructive policies onto must-pass legislation that would simply keep our government operating. 
“In addition to denying critical health care access to millions, their legislation would continue sequester level funding, thereby jeopardizing our economy, infrastructure, and critical initiatives such as Head Start and research funding.
“America cannot afford another GOP manufactured crisis. I urge my colleagues to abandon their political games and support the American people.”
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