Wis. delegation reactions to presidents SOTU address

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 Reaction President Obama's State of the Union address largely broke along party lines for Wisconsin's congressional delegation. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Madison, praised the president for putting "progress ahead of partisan politics." "President Obama made clear the path we must take to build broad based economic growth and reduce our deficit…

Gwen Moores statement on Obamas State of the Union address

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Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) released this statement following President Barack Obama's State of the Union address to Congress. "Tonight the President set an aggressive agenda for America. His plan to refocus our efforts on bringing about solid economic growth for all Americans through manufacturing, infrastructure, clean and renewable energy, skills training for American…

Gwen Moore Supports Senate Amendment HR 8

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While it was not the grand deal I was hoping for, I am pleased that we were able to move forward with a deal that will ensure that tax rates will not go up on the middle class and the most vulnerable of our nation – the poor.  Contact: Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox(202) 225- 4572 Gwen Moore Supports Senate Amendment HR 8 Washington, D.C. – Today,…

Growing Power grant to help schools access local food

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 By Erin Richards of the Journal Sentinel Milwaukee's nonprofit urban farm Growing Power has been awarded nearly a nearly $100,000 grant to provide more locally sourced food to city schools, according to a news release from U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore. Growing Power was awarded the $99,868 federal grant in connection with Farm to School, a United States Department of…

State Waivers for TANF Can Provide True Pathway Out of Poverty

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 Recently the Obama Administration took a commonsense step in reforming a program that has long been in need of repair – the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. Through a recent rule change the Administration will now allow states to apply for waivers that could grant them some flexibility in implementing their TANF programs. The new guidance will bolster…

Republican fairytales and the truth about the •war on women

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 Republicans insist the Democrats’ claim of a “war on women” is simply a fairytale. Yet every week the GOP pushes another anti-woman policy that proves that this fairytale is reality. This week, my Senate GOP colleagues blocked the Paycheck Fairness Act, a bill that would have ensured women earn equal pay for equal work. Sounds simple enough, but not to my…

SHE AINT PLAYIN: The Notable, Quotable Rep. Gwen Moore

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 AMID THE REPUBLICAN WAR ON WOMEN, THE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESSWOMAN FROM WISCONSIN AIN’T NEVER SCARED Throughout the GOP-led assault on women’s reproductive health rights, Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI) has served as a soldier of love for women of color, poor women and victims of sexual and physical abuse. Moore consistently commands the House floor and deploys pieces of…

How womens work has been pushed up the US political agenda

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 Hilary Rosen's 'stay at home' mum jibe has led to recognition that all mothers are entitled to welfare for their work - a worthy US import Selma Jamesguardian.co.uk, Wednesday 25 April 2012 08.04 EDT The costs of childcare mean many women can't afford to work. Photograph: Linda Nylind for the GuardianYou can't predict when a breakthrough will come your…

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