Gwen Moore Supports Senate Amendment HR 8

While it was not the grand deal I was hoping for, I am pleased that we were able to move forward with a deal that will ensure that tax rates will not go up on the middle class and the most vulnerable of our nation – the poor.


Nicole Y. Williams or Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Gwen Moore Supports Senate Amendment HR 8
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement following the passage of Senate Amendment HR 8, also known as the “Fiscal Cliff” deal in the House that will prevent tax hikes for the middle class:
“While it was not the grand deal I was hoping for, I am pleased that we were able to move forward with a deal that will ensure that tax rates will not go up on the middle class and the most vulnerable of our nation – the poor.
“I am particularly pleased that this deal included provisions that will extend unemployment insurance and ensure the wealthy pay their fair share both on their annual as well as investment-related incomes.
“Unfortunately, the deal won’t solve all of our problems. In two months we will once again have to debate raising the debt ceiling and address the automatic spending cuts included in the sequestration. It is my sincere hope that the GOP does not try to take a hatchet to the much needed social programs that will be necessary in keeping our economy moving forward.
“Make no mistake our economy is growing, but that growth cannot be sustained on the backs of the middle class and the poor. We have already cut nearly $1.5 trillion to critical programs. We must continue to take the necessary steps towards closing tax loopholes and taking common sense steps to resolve our debt crisis and continue to move our economy forward.
“I will continue to do all in my power to continue to work on behalf of the least of these. Those whose voices have been ignored time and time again by this Republican controlled ‘do-nothing’ Congress. Let’s hope the New Year brings new beginnings for the way that we govern on behalf of all Americans.”
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