Black Caucus to challenge Ryan on poverty

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 By Mike Lillis   House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will meet next week with members of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) to discuss strategies for alleviating poverty. The closed-door meeting has been in the works since last month, when Ryan stirred controversy by saying poverty is caused largely by a "tailspin of culture,"…

Ryan to Meet With Black Lawmakers After Inner Cities Uproar

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  By Frank Thorp V After being criticized as racially insensitive for his comments on unemployment in "inner cities," House Budget Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., will meet with the Congressional Black Caucus next week to discuss the issue of poverty, an aide for the CBC says. "Congressman Ryan is a nice guy, and as such you know he has tried to frame the…

Democrats Warm Up for a "War on Poverty" With Republicans on Capitol Hill

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  Congressional Black Caucus and Budget Chairman Paul Ryan to meet next week. By Joyce Jones  Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wisconsin) thinks that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), who chairs the House Budget Committee and is in line to become the next chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee, is "a nice guy." The budget he proposed earlier this month is not,…

Milwaukees Moore Decries Paul Ryans Budget As Favoring Wealthy

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  Suggests Targeting Federal Money At Communities With Longstanding Poverty By Gilman Halsted Milwaukee Democratic Rep. Gwen Moore is joining members of the Asian Pacific and Hispanic congressional caucuses in speaking out against Janesville GOP Rep. Paul Ryan's budget plan. She says the plan cuts programs for minority communities in favor of tax cuts for…

Wis. delegation splits along party lines as House passes Ryan budget

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  Wisconsin's House delegation Thursday split along party lines as lawmakers passed the budget authored by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan.  All five Wisconsin Republicans supported the Ryan budget, while the state's three Dems were opposed. The bill passed 219-205, with 12 Republicans joining Dems in voting against the measure.  Ryan, R-Janesville, said in…

Gwen Moore Leads Floor Debate, Supports Congressional Black Caucus Alternative Budget

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 By Federal Information & News Dispatch, Inc Federal Information & News Dispatch, IncWashington, DC - Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement after House Republicans blocked the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) alternative budget: "Today my Republican colleagues voted against economic improvement and the well-being of millions of…

Abbreviated pundit roundup: CIA torture report, unemployment insurance, and more

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  By Georgia Logothetis  Rep. Gwen Moore: "Now that I need help it's nowhere to be found..."My constituent, Cassie Jones,* sits in her apartment, which she has rented since 1986, wondering how she will pay the rent next month. Since she lost her job of 18 years, she has been surviving on unemployment benefits and her savings account. Over 150 job…

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