Wis. delegation splits along party lines as House passes Ryan budget

Wisconsin's House delegation Thursday split along party lines as lawmakers passed the budget authored by U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan. 
All five Wisconsin Republicans supported the Ryan budget, while the state's three Dems were opposed. The bill passed 219-205, with 12 Republicans joining Dems in voting against the measure. 
Ryan, R-Janesville, said in remarks prior to the vote that his proposal would empower the public rather than the government, slamming Dem alternatives as "paternalistic, arrogant and downright condescending." 
"Who knows better? The people or Washington?" Ryan asked. "We have made our choice with this budget. I trust the American people to make theirs." 
U.S. Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Milwaukee, countered that the GOP's 2015 budget protects "special interests in lieu of middle class working Americans and our vulnerable populations." 
"There were clear winners and losers today. Unfortunately, the winners were large corporations and the wealthy," Moore said. "The losers included everyone else." 
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