Gwen Moore Supports American Growth, Votes Against Republican Budget

It's another disappointing day in Congress. My colleagues have, yet again, chosen to protect special interests in lieu of middle class working Americans and our vulnerable populations.
Staci Cox
(202) 225- 4572
Washington, DC – Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore (WI-4) released the following statement after House Republicans passed a budget for Fiscal Year 2015:
“It’s another disappointing day in Congress. My colleagues have, yet again, chosen to protect special interests in lieu of middle class working Americans and our vulnerable populations.
“Among many other groups, the Republican budget turns its back on Wisconsin students and seniors. Under this plan, over 9,000 students would go without Pell Grant funding. In addition, Wisconsin would lose over $12 billion in Federal Medicaid funding over the next decade.
“There were clear winners and losers today. Unfortunately, the winners were large corporations and the wealthy. The losers included everyone else. As we slowly recover from the recession, we must work to implement policies that expand economic opportunity, not restrict its growth. We must also reach back to assist those hard working Americans who are struggling to pay their bills and feed their children. The Republican budget does the opposite. 
“I hope that as we continue to discuss American priorities, including a way to better reduce poverty in our nation, my Republican colleagues work with Democrats in a meaningful and constructive manner.” 
Please click here to read Rep. Moore’s previous statement on the Fiscal Year 2015 Republican budget. 
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